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전체 글4629

The God of Jacob This divine title—“The God of Jacob”—is found at least fourteen times in the Old Testament, and in addition, three times we read of “The mighty God of Jacob.” Such frequent repetition argues a deep significance, and suggests valuable lessons to be learned. We never read of the God of Moses, the God of Joshua, or the God of Solomon. Why then has God identified Himself with Jacob? Wha.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Eye of Faith "I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Thee" (Job 42:5). What did Job signify by this? Obviously his words are not to be understood literally. No, by employing a common figure of speech, he meant that the mists of unbelief (occasioned by self-righteousness) had now been dispelled, and faith perceived the being of God as a glorious and living reality. ("Mine eyes.. 2010. 9. 4.
THE EVERLASTING COVENANT The Word of God opens with a brief account of creation, the making of man, and his fall. From later Scripture we have no difficulty in ascertaining that the issue of the trial to which man was subjected in Eden had been divinely foreseen. “The Lamb slain (in the purpose of God) from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8) makes it clear that, in view of the Fall, provision had been made by.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Divine Rememberer "Who remembered us in our low estate: for His mercy endureth forever" (Psa. 136:23). "Who remembered us." This is in striking and blessed contrast from our forgettings of Him. Like every other faculty of our beings, the memory has been affected by the Fall and bears on it the marks of depravity. This is seen from its power to retain what is worthless and the difficulty encountered to hold fast .. 2010. 9. 4.
THE DAVIDIC COVENANT In this chapter we shall attempt little more than to point out the connecting links between the Sinaitic and the Davidic covenants. The various covenants recorded in the Old Testament, as we have previously stated, mark the principal stages in the development of God’s purpose of mercy toward our fallen race. Each one brought to light some further aspect of truth, and that, in keeping with par.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Cure for Despondency When the Psalmist gave utterance to these words, his spirit was dejected and his heart was heavy within him. In the checkered career of David there was not a little which was calculated to sadden and depress: the cruel persecutions of Saul, who hunted him as a partridge upon the mountains, the treachery of his trusted friend Ahithophel, the perfidy of Absalom, and the remembrance of his own sin.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Cross and Self Ere developing the theme of this verse let us comment on its terms. “If any”: the duty enjoined is for all who would join Christ’s followers and enlist under His banner. “If any will”: the Greek is very emphatic, signifying not only the consent of the will, but full purpose of heart, a determined resolution. “Come after Me”: as a servant subject to his Master, a scholar his Teache.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Covenant Allegory The last eleven verses of Galatians 4 are far from being free of difficulties appears from the diverse expositions of the commentators. Nor will the limited space now at our disposal allow us to enter into as full an elucidation as could be wished, nor permit the pausing now and again to furnish collateral proofs for what is advanced, as would be our desire. Brevity has its advantages, but it d.. 2010. 9. 4.
THE COVENANT ALLEGORY Those of our readers who are particularly interested in the divine covenants would be disappointed if we closed our lengthy comments thereon and ignored the last eleven verses of Galatians 4, and therefore we feel it necessary to devote a chapter to their consideration. That this passage is far from being free of difficulties appears from the diverse expositions of the commentators, for scarcel.. 2010. 9. 4.
1814. Commendation for the Steadfast A Sermon (No. 1814) Delivered by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. "I know thy works: behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world.. 2010. 9. 4.
1806. A Summary of Experience and a Body of Divinity A Sermon (No. 1806) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, October 26th, 1884, by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to co.. 2010. 9. 4.
1804. Obadiah; or, Early Piety Eminent Piety A Sermon (No. 1804) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, October 19th, 1884, by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "I thy servant fear the Lord from my youth."—1 Kings 18:12. I SUSPECT that Elijah did not think very much of Obadiah. He does not treat him with any great consideration, but addresses him more sharply than one would expect from a fellow-believer. Elijah was the .. 2010. 9. 4.
1801. The Parable of the Lost Sheep A Sermon (No. 1801) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, September 28th, 1884, by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh ho.. 2010. 9. 4.
1799. Though He Were Dead A Sermon (No. 1799) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, September 14th, 1884, by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "Martha saith unto Him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall.. 2010. 9. 4.
1795. Pleading and Encouragement A Sermon (No. 1795) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, August 17th, 1884, by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?"—Ezekiel 18:23. "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.".. 2010. 9. 4.
가장 경건한 신자는? (고후 5:12) “우리가 다시 너희에게 자천하는 것이 아니요 오직 우리를 인하여 자랑할 기회를 너희에게 주어 마음으로 하지 않고 외모로 자랑하는 자들을 대하게 하려 하는 것이라.” (고후 5:12) 바울의 서신서들을 보면 사도로서의 자격을 좀 장황하게 변명하는 듯한 느낌이 듭니다. 그로선 초대 교회 교인들을 .. 2010. 9. 3.
따뜻한 사랑의 손길 "예수께서 민망히 여기사 손을 내밀어 저에게 대시며 가라사대 내가 원하노니 깨끗함을 받으라 하신대" (마가복음 1:41) 참 사랑이시고, 참 의로우신 분. 그 분의 손길이 내 병든 몸을 만지셨네. 더럽고 추하고 냄새나는 내 몸을 따뜻한 사랑의 손길이 내 몸에 닿는 순간 내 맘은 환희와 감격과 기쁨으로 .. 2010. 9. 3.
왕따를 당해라. (마 5:10-12) “의를 위하여 핍박을 받은 자는 복이 있나니 천국이 저희 것임이라. 나를 인하여 너희를 욕하고 핍박하고 거짓으로 너희를 거스려 모든 악한 말을 할 때에는 너희에게 복이 있나니 기뻐하고 즐거워하라. 하늘에서 너희의 상이 큼이라. 너희 전에 있었던 선지자들을 이같이 핍박하였느니라” (마 5:10-12.. 2010. 9. 3.
(삿 6:17-18) 날마다 표징을 구하고 있는가? “기드온이 그에게 대답하되 내가 주께 은혜를 얻었사오면 나와 말씀하신 이가 주 되시는 표징을 내게 보이소서. 내가 예물을 가지고 다시 주께로 와서 그것을 주 앞에 드리기까지 이곳을 떠나지 마시기를 원하나이다. 그가 가로되 내가 너 돌아오기를 기다리리라.” (삿 6:17-18) 비겁하게 포도주 틀에 .. 2010. 9. 3.
Don't Give Up! When we face the temptation to quit, the enemy of our souls lies to us. He points out every deficiency in us that we are willing to consider, both real and imagined. He reminds us of our weaknesses. He describes our future to us in bleak, dreary terms and tries to strip away any hope that our present course could possibly lead to a good outcome. He attacks our thoughts and tries to pull down ou.. 2010. 9. 3.
"End Time Burden or Burning" Scripture: "The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see." Habakkuk 1:1 (KJV) One of the hardest things I've faced, is to be awakened from a warm and restful sleep to the stark, cold direction of the Lord concerning His people - especially when He gives me a message of rebuke and reproof. Christians often forget that we are bought with a price and that we are not our own. We "live fat" and "pl.. 2010. 9. 3.
9월 4일 (예수님의 사랑) "예수께서 민망히 여기사 손을 내밀어 저에게 대시며 가라사대 내가 원하노니 깨끗함을 받으라 하신대" (마가복음 1:41) 태고 적부터 있던 어둠이 “빛이 있으라”고 하신 전능자의 명령을 들었습니다. 그러자 즉시 빛이 생겼습니다. 그런데 주 예수님의 말씀도 그 능력 있는 태고 적 말씀과 똑같은 능력.. 2010. 9. 3.
9월 3일 (내 마음에 사랑하는 자야) "내 마음에 사랑하는 자야 너의 양 떼 먹이는 곳과 오정에 쉬게 하는 곳을 내게 고하라. 내가 네 동무 양 떼 곁에서 어찌 얼굴을 가리운 자같이 되랴." (아가 1:7) 이런저런 핑계 대지 않고 우리 주 예수님을 가리켜 “내 마음에 사랑하는 자”라고 말할 수 있다면 얼마나 좋을까요. 많은 사람들은 예수님에 대해 말할 때 자기들도 그를 사랑하기 바란다거나 자기들도 주님을 사랑한다고 믿는다고 말합니다. 그러나 이것은 그만큼 주님과 깊은 사랑의 교제를 나누지 못했다는 뜻입니다. 따라서 이런 중요한 문제에 대해 완전히 확신할 수 있을 때까지는 아무도 그 영으로 하여금 편히 쉬게 하면 안 됩니다. 우리는 예수님이 우리를 사랑하기를 바라는 피상적인 희망이나, 우리가 그를 사랑한다고 단순히 믿는 것만으로 만족해서는 .. 2010. 9. 2.
사탄은 미묘한 계략을 사용합니다. (SATAN USES SUBTLE DEVICES) “앗수르왕이....랍사게로 하여금 대군을 거느리고....예루살렘으로 가서 히스기야 왕을 치게 하매”(왕하 18:17). 앗수르 사람들은 오늘날의 “번영 지침서”를 상징합니다. 마귀는 당신의 성벽을 둘러싸고 자신의 군대를 행진하게 할 것입니다. 그들은 능력 있고, 아름답고, 손대는 일마다 성공하는 듯 .. 2010. 9. 2.
싸우라고 우리를 부르십니다. (HE CALLS US TO FIGHT) "또 어떤 임금이 다른 임금과 싸우러 갈 때에 먼저 앉아 일만 명으로써 저 이만 명을 거느리고 오는 자를 대적할 수 있을까 헤아리지 아니하겠느냐. 만일 못할 터이면 그가 아직 멀리 있을 때에 사신을 보내어 화친을 청할지니라. 이와 같이 너희 중의 누구든지 자기의 모든 소유를 버리지 아니하면 능.. 2010. 9. 2.
태풍(곤파스-KOMPASU) 태어나서 이처럼 강한 바람은 처음이다. 태풍...... 창문이 뜯겨나갈 정도로 강한 바람이 불었다. 결국 창문은 깨지고, 오래된 아파트인 5층 지붕 기왓장은 사정없이 날아다니고, 뒤집히고... 아차...싶어 주차장에 주차해 놓은 차를 살펴보니, 아니나 다를까... 기왓장이 떨어져서 앞, 옆 유리창이 박살나 .. 2010. 9. 2.
모세가 부름 받은 개인적 이유 (출 3:4) “여호와께서 그가 보려고 돌이켜 오는 것을 보신지라. 하나님이 떨기나무 가운데서 그를 불러 가라사대 모세야 모세야 하시매 그가 가로되 내가 여기 있나이다.” (출 3:4) 하나님이 모세를 애굽에서 노예 생활을 하는 이스라엘의 구원자로 불러내는 장면입니다. 떨기나무에 불이 붙었으나 사라지지 .. 2010. 9. 1.
"At The Crossroads" Scripture Reading: Matthew 21: 33-46 (KJV) Scripture Text: "Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?" Matthew 21:42 (KJV) If your read the entire passage of scripture found in Matthew 21: 33-46, you will see that Jesus is delivering a cl.. 2010. 9. 1.
9월 2일 (치료자이신 예수님) "시몬의 장모가 열병으로 누웠는지라. 사람들이 곧 그의 일로 예수께 여짜온대." (마가복음 1:30) 오늘 본문을 통해 어부인 사도 베드로의 집안을 들여다보면 아주 흥미롭습니다. 집안에서 일어나는 기쁜 일이나 염려스러운 일들이 사역에 아무 지장도 주지 않는다는 사실을 우리는 즉시 알 수 있습니다... 2010. 9. 1.
끝까지 해내도록 우리를 부르십니다. (HE CALLS US TO SEE IT THROUGH) “너희 중의 누가 망대를 세우고자 할진대 자기의 가진 것이 준공하기까지에 족할는지 먼저 앉아 그 비용을 계산하지 아니하겠느냐 그렇게 아니하여 그 기초만 쌓고 능히 이루지 못하면 보는 자가 다 비웃어 이르되 이 사람이 공사를 시작하고 능히 이루지 못하였다 하리라”(눅14:28-30). 그리스도는 자.. 2010. 9. 1.