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생명의 말씀/A.B.Simpson365

Tarrying By The Stuff "As his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff; they shall part alike. And it was so from that day forward that he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel unto this day."[I Samuel 30:24-26] DAVID had just achieved a glorious victory over the Amalekites, and defeated the invaders of Ziklag, and recovered his beloved family and the spoils whic.. 2009. 11. 16.
Take no thought for your life The Lord is still using the things that are despised. The very names of Nazarene and Christian were once epithets of contempt. No man can have God's highest thought and be popular with his immediate generation. The most abused men are often the most used. There are far greater calamities than to be unpopular and misunderstood. There are far worse things than to be found in the minority. Many of.. 2009. 11. 16.
Strengthened with all might . . . unto all patience The apostle Paul prays for the Colossians to be strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness. It is one thing to endure and show the strain on every muscle of your face, seeming to say with every wrinkle, "Why doesn't someone sympathize with me?" It is another thing to endure the cross, despising the shame for the joy set bef.. 2009. 11. 16.
Strangers and pilgrims If you have ever tried to plough a straight furrow in the country-I feel sorry for the man who does not know how to plough and more sorry for the man who is too proud to want to know-you have no doubt found it necessary to have two stakes in a line and to drive your horses by these stakes. If you have only one stake before you, you will have no steadying point for your vision, and you can swerv.. 2009. 11. 16.
Staying By the Stuff "As his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff; they shall part alike. And it was so from that day forward that he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel unto this day."[I Samuel 30:24-26] DAVID had just achieved a glorious victory over the Amalekites, and defeated the invaders of Ziklag, and recovered his beloved family and the spoils whic.. 2009. 11. 16.
stature of the fullness of Christ God is preparing His heroes. When the opportunity comes He can fit them into their places in a moment, and the world will wonder where they came from. Let the Holy Spirit prepare you by all the discipline of life. When the last finishing touch has been given to the marble, it will be easy for God to put it on the pedestal and fit it into its niche. There is a day coming, when, like Othniel (see.. 2009. 11. 16.
Stablish, strengthen, settle you In taking Christ in any new relationship, we must first have sufficient intellectual light to satisfy our minds that we are entitled to stand in this relationship. The shadow of a question here will wreck our confidence. Then, having seen this, we must make the committal, the choice. That commitment must be just as definite as the planting of a tree in the soil, or the bride who presents hersel.. 2009. 11. 16.
Spiritual Growth "But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."-2 Peter iii 18. I have heard of a little boy being found by his mother in one of the garden beds with his feet buried in the soil, and standing beside a tall sunflower, to which he was eagerly looking up. When his mother asked him what it all meant, he said that he was trying to grow to be a man, and wanted to be as .. 2009. 11. 16.
Speak ye unto the rock The Holy Spirit is very sensitive, as love always is. You can conquer a wild beast by blows and chains, but you cannot conquer a woman's heart that way, or win the love of a sensitive nature; that must be wooed by the delicate touches of trust and affection. So the Holy Spirit has to be taken by a faith as delicate and sensitive as the gentle heart with whom it is coming in touch. One thought o.. 2009. 11. 16.
so walk ye in him Let us abide in Him. It is much easier to keep the fire burning than to rekindle it after it has gone out. Let us not have to remove the cinders and ashes from our hearthstones every day and kindle a new flame; but let us keep it burning and never let it expire. Among the ancient Greeks the sacred fire was never allowed to go out. So, in a higher sense, let us keep the heavenly flame aglow upon.. 2009. 11. 16.
Send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared Nehemiah gives us a graphic picture concerning what took place during the celebration of their glorious Feast of Tabernacles. Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared . . . neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. How many there are on every side for whom nothing is prepared! Let us find some sad and needy heart .. 2009. 11. 16.
Rooted and grounded in love There is a very singular shrub which grows abundantly in the west and is to be found in all parts of Texas. The mesquite, sometimes called the "mosquito tree," is a very slim and willowy looking shrub and would seem to be of little use for any industrial purposes; but it has extraordinary roots growing like great timbers underground and possessing such qualities of endurance in all situations t.. 2009. 11. 16.
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him The Gospel of Mark, which is the gospel of service, contains a very suggestive thought. We hear the Master saying to His disciples, Come ye apart into a desert place, and rest a while (Mark 6:31). It is possible to possess an energy that may be tireless and ceaseless, and yet still as the ocean's depth. It is possible to know the peace of God which passes all understanding. The two deepest secr.. 2009. 11. 16.
Rest in the Lord In the old creation, the week began with work and ended with Sabbath rest. The resurrection week begins with the first day-first rest, then labor. So we must first cease from our own works as God did from His, and enter into His rest. And then, with rested hearts, we will work His works with effectual power. But why labor to enter into rest? See that sailing craft-how restfully it glides over t.. 2009. 11. 16.
Resist the devil, and he will flee Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. This is God's promise and He will keep it. if we resist the adversary, God will compel him to flee and will give us the victory. just as a citizen would claim the protection of his government against an outrage or injustice by violent men, so we can at all times fearlessly defy and resist Satan our enemy. At the same time we are not to stand on the a.. 2009. 11. 16.
Rejoice evermore Whatever else you lose, do not lose your joy. Keep the spirit of spring. Rejoice evermore and again I say, rejoice. The loss of Canaan began in the spirit of murmuring. When the people murmured, they displeased the Lord. The first break in their fellowship, the first falter in their advance, came when they began to doubt and grieve and fret. Keep your heart from the perforations of depression, .. 2009. 11. 13.
Redeeming the time Two little words are found in the Greek version here-ton kairon. They are translated in the revised version, "Buying up for yourselves the opportunity." The two words ton kairon mean, literally, the opportunity. They do not refer to time in general, but to a special point in time, a juncture, a crisis. They refer to a moment full of possibilities quickly passing by, which we must seize and make.. 2009. 11. 13.
Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed Our life from the dead is to be followed up by the habit and attitude which is the logical outcome of all this. Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ . . . but yield yourselves unto God, not to die over again every day, but as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God (Romans 6:11, 13). F.. 2009. 11. 13.
Reckon ye also yourselves to be . . . alive unto God Death is but for a moment; life is forever. Let us live, then, as children of the resurrection, finding His glorious life more and more abundant, and the fullness of this life will repel the intrusion of self and sin and overcome evil with good. Then our existence will not be the dreary repression of our own struggling, but the springing tide of Christ's spontaneous overcoming life. Once in a r.. 2009. 11. 13.
Quit you like men Be brave. Cowards always get hurt. Brave men generally come out unharmed. Jeremiah, was a hero. He shrank from nothing. He faced his king and countrymen with dauntless bravery, and the result was he suffered no harm but came through the siege of Jerusalem without a hair being injured. Zedekiah, the cowardly king, was always afraid to obey God and be true, and the result was he at last met the m.. 2009. 11. 13.
Prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God The water in a steam locomotive may be at any one of three temperatures. It may be cold, although clean and ready for the fire. It may be hot, very hot-hot enough to scald you, almost boiling. Or the water may be just one degree hotter-at the boiling point-pouring out its vapor in clouds of steam, pressing through the valves and driving the mighty pistons that turn the wheels and propel the tra.. 2009. 11. 13.
Prove me now herewith I once heard an old man say something that I have never forgotten. "When God tests you it is a good time for you to test Him by putting His promises to the proof. Claim from Him just as much as your trials have made necessary." There are two ways of getting out of a trial. One is simply to try to get rid of the trial, and be thankful when it is over. The other is to recognize the trial as a cha.. 2009. 11. 13.
Preserved Blameless “I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” “Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it” (I Thess. 5:23, 24) It is one thing for the ship to weigh her anchor and spread her spotless canvas to the breeze, and sail away with pennons flying and hearts and hopes beating high with expectation; it is another thi.. 2009. 11. 13.
Praying always . . . for all saints What a priceless bit of counsel! Stop praying so much for yourself; begin to ask unselfish things, and see if God will not give you faith. See how much easier it will be to believe for another than for your own concerns. Try the effect of praying for the world, for definite things, for difficult things, for glorious things, for things that will honor Christ and save mankind. After you have rece.. 2009. 11. 13.
Pray ye therefore Prayer is the mighty force that will move missionary work. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest (Matthew 9:38). We are asking God to touch the hearts of men every day by the Holy Spirit, so that they shall be compelled to go abroad and preach the gospel. We are asking Him to awaken them at night with the solemn conviction that the heathen.. 2009. 11. 13.
Pray without ceasing An important help in the life of prayer is the habit of bringing everything to God, moment by moment, as it comes to us in life. This may become a habit the same way all habits are formed: repeated and constantly attended, moment by moment, until that which is at first an act of will becomes spontaneous and second nature. If we will watch our lives, we shall find that God meets the things that .. 2009. 11. 13.
Power For Service Man is born the most impotent creature on the face of the earth. The young brute grows into its prime while the infant is still a helpless child. And morally, he is still more weak . His own passions are stronger than he. Every temptation bears him away, and every surrounding influence controls and molds him. Spiritually he is still more weak; not only impotent, but dead. Slowly he learns this .. 2009. 11. 12.
Personal Responsibility There were few in these days of our Lord who had not either seen or heard of a Roman triumphal procession, or witnessed on a smaller scale the pageants of Herod; and they had heard all over the world of the majestic and magnificent entrance to the capital of returning consuls, and generals and emperors after some great victory; how, for days before, the city was clothed in holiday attire; every.. 2009. 11. 12.
Person And Attributes Of The Holy Ghost "God hath not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."--2 Tim. 1:7. I. The Holy Spirit is a Person. The Holy Ghost is a distinct individual, and not a vague influence, or a phase of Divine working. Just as there are three judges on the bench, constituting the one court, three persons in the household, constituting the one family, so there are three distinct .. 2009. 11. 12.
Peace be unto you Peace be unto you. These words are a type of Jesus' first appearing to our hearts when He comes to bring us His peace and to teach us to trust Him and to love Him. But there is a second peace which He has to give. Jesus said unto them again, Peace be unto you. There is a "peace," and there is an 44 again peace." There is a peace with God, and there is the peace of God, which passeth all underst.. 2009. 11. 12.