Not my will, but thine
Jesus who once suffered in Gethsemane will be our strength and our victory, too. We may fear, we may also sink, but let us not be dismayed, and we shall yet praise Him and look back from a finished course and say, Not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord [our] God spake concerning [us] (Joshua 23:14). But in order to do this, we must, like Jesus, meet the conflict, not wi..
2009. 11. 4.
Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world
Literally, Jesus is saying, "I am with you all the days." He comes to us each day with a new blessing. Every morning, day by day, He walks with us with a love that never tires and a blessing that never grows old. And He is with us "all the days;" it is a ceaseless abiding. There is no day so dark, so commonplace, so uninteresting that we do not find Him there. Often, no doubt, He is unrecognize..
2009. 10. 28.