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생명의 말씀/A.B.Simpson365

Partnership With God The members of an English publishing firm recently sat down together to their annual dinner in Exeter Hall. There were more than two thousand partners at the table. It was a strange sight to look at that immense crowd of men and realise that they were one firm. They had adopted the plan of making all their employees partners, and it had worked most successfully. That picture leads our thoughts .. 2009. 11. 12.
Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering Beloved, are you ministering to Christ? Arc you doing it with your hands? Are you doing it with your substance and with your gifts? Is He getting the best at your table? And when He does not come to fill the chair, is it free to His representative, His poor and humble children? Your words and wishes are cheap if they do not find expression in your actual gifts. Even Mary did not put Him off wit.. 2009. 11. 12.
Offices And Relations Of The Holy Ghost I. The Holy Spirit in Relation to the Godhead. This Divine person has a special place in the Trinity, and in the Divine economy. With respect to the Father, He is spoken of as proceeding from Him; the same term is also used of His relation to the Son; He has been called the executive of the Godhead. Many figures have been used; although all such figures must ever be unsatisfactory to illustrate.. 2009. 11. 9.
Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous God seems to love to work by paradoxes and contradictions. In the transformations of grace, the bitter is the base of the sweet, night is the mother of day and death is the gate of life. Many people want to have power. But, how is power produced? The other day I passed the large powerhouse where the trolley engines are supplied with electricity. I heard the hum and roar of countless wheels, and.. 2009. 11. 9.
Now mine eyes seeth thee We must recognize the true character of our self-life and its real virulence and vileness. We must consent to its destruction, and we must take it ourselves, as Abraham did Isaac, and lay it at the feet of God in willing sacrifice. This is a seemingly impossible task for the natural heart, but the moment the will is yielded and the choice is made, we are astonished to find that the agony is ove.. 2009. 11. 9.
Now it is high time to awake out of sleep Let us wake out of sleep, let us be alert, let us be alive to the great necessities that really concern us. Let us put off the garments of the night and the indulgences of the night, the loose robes of pleasure and the flowing garments of repose. The festal pleasures of the hours of darkness are not for the children of the day. Let us cast off the works of darkness. Let us arm ourselves for the.. 2009. 11. 9.
Now are we the sons of God We are the sons of God. We are not merely called such or even legally declared so, but we actually are sons of God by receiving the life and nature of God. And so we are the very brethren of our Lord, not only in His human nature, but still more so in His divine relationship. Therefore, he is not ashamed to call [us] brethren (Hebrews 2:11). He gives us that which entitles us to that right, and.. 2009. 11. 9.
Not ourselves, but Christ Jesus Your Christian influence, your reputation as a worker for God and your standing among your brethren may be an idol to which you must die before you can be free to live for Jesus alone. If you have ever noticed the type on a printed page, you must have seen that the little "i" always has a dot over it. It is that dot that elevates it above the other letters in the line. Now, each of us is a litt.. 2009. 11. 9.
Not my will, but thine Jesus who once suffered in Gethsemane will be our strength and our victory, too. We may fear, we may also sink, but let us not be dismayed, and we shall yet praise Him and look back from a finished course and say, Not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord [our] God spake concerning [us] (Joshua 23:14). But in order to do this, we must, like Jesus, meet the conflict, not wi.. 2009. 11. 4.
Not as I will but as thou wilt There are two attitudes in which our will should be given to God. First, we should have the surrendered will. This is where we must all begin, by yielding up to God our natural will and having Him possess it. But next, He wants us to have the victorious will. As soon as He receives our will in honest surrender, He wants to put His will into it and make it stronger than ever for Him. It is hence.. 2009. 11. 4.
None of these things move me The best evidence of God's presence is the devil's growl. So once wrote Charles H. Spurgeon in The Sword and the Trowel. That little sentence has helped many a tried and tired child of God to stand fast and even rejoice under the fiercest attacks of the foe. We read in the book of Second Samuel that the moment David was crowned at Hebron, "All the Philistines came up to seek David. And the mome.. 2009. 11. 4.
Nevertheless, David took the castle of Zion If you seem to have so much fighting to do, it may be because you did not have one sharp, decisive battle to begin with. It is far easier to have one great battle than to keep on skirmishing all your life. I know men who spend forty years fighting what they call their besetting sin, and on which they waste strength enough to evangelize the world. Does it pay to throw away your lives? Why not ha.. 2009. 11. 4.
Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling We know what it is to be fireproof or to be waterproof. But it is a greater thing to be sin proof. it is possible to be so filled with the Spirit of Jesus that all the shafts of the enemy glance off our heavenly armor. It is possible to so know the presence of Jesus that all the burrs and thistles which grow on the wayside fail to stick to our heavenly robes. All the noxious vapors of the pit d.. 2009. 11. 4.
My peace I give unto you Here lies the secret of abiding peace-God's peace. We give ourselves to God and the Holy Spirit takes possession of our hearts. It is indeed "Peace, peace." But it is at this precise point that the devil begins to interfere, and he does it through our thoughts, diverting or distracting them as the occasion requires. This is the time to prove the sincerity of our consecration and the singleness .. 2009. 11. 4.
My helpers in Christ Jesus Christ's Church is overrun with captains. It is in great need of a few more privates. A few rivers run into the sea, but a larger number run into other rivers. We cannot all be Pioneers, but we can all be helpers. No man is fitted to go in first place until he has learned well how to go second. A spirit of self-importance is fatal to all work for Christ. The biggest enemy of true spiritual powe.. 2009. 11. 4.
My grace is sufficient for thee God allowed the crisis that closed around Jacob, on the night when he bowed at Peniel in supplication, to bring him to the place where he could take hold of God as he never would have done. From that narrow pass of peril Jacob came, enlarged in his faith and knowledge of God and in the power of a new and victorious life. God had to compel David, by a long and painful discipline of years, to lea.. 2009. 11. 4.
My expectation is from him when we believe for a blessing, we must take the attitude of faith and begin to act and pray as if we already had it. We must treat God as if He had given us our request. We must lean our weight upon Him for the thing that we have claimed and just take it for granted that He gives it and is going to continue to give it. This is the attitude of trust. When a young woman is married, she at once f.. 2009. 10. 28.
Motives To Service The sacrifice is our consecrated service to God and the cords which bind it to the altar are the motives, the impulses which ought to constrain us to a more earnest and entire devotion to Christ and to His work. God wants us so to yield ourselves, living sacrifices by the mercies of God, that we shall feel bound by a thousand cords on His altar—loving bonds, silken cords, that we would not br.. 2009. 10. 28.
More than Conquerors "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us."-Rom. viii : 37. It is a great thing to be a conqueror in Christian life and conflict. It is a much greater thing to be a conqueror "in all these things" which the apostle names, a perfect host of trials, troubles and foes. But what does it mean to be "more than conqueror"? It means to have a decisive victory. Ther.. 2009. 10. 28.
Men ought always to pray Let this be a day of prayer. Let us realize that our highest ministry and power is to deal with God for men. Let us be obedient to all the Holy Spirit's voices of prayer in us. Let us consider every pressure a call to prayer. Let us cultivate the spirit of unceasing prayer and constant communion. Let us learn the meaning of the ministry of prayer. Through prayer let us reach people this day who.. 2009. 10. 28.
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried. This is the promise for the Lord's coming. It is more than purity. It is to be made white, lustrous or bright. To be purified is to have sin burned out; to be made white is to have the glory of the Lord burned in. The one is cleansing; the other is illumination and glorification. The Lord has both for us, but in order for us to have both we mus.. 2009. 10. 28.
Make you perfect in every good work The prayer at the close of the Letter to the Hebrews is beautiful: Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will (Hebrews 13:20-21). The phrase "make you perfect in every good work" literally means, "adjust you in every good work." It is a .. 2009. 10. 28.
Love believeth all things There is a beautiful expression in the book of Isaiah which reflects with accuracy the depth of the love of God. He said, They are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour (Isaiah 63:8). They lied, but He would not believe it. At least He speaks as if He would not believe it, in the greatness of His love, because they were His people. He has not seen iniquity in Jacob nor .. 2009. 10. 28.
Lord, Is My Heart Tender? Part Two Several leaders from a mission field I was visiting approached me with the urgent request to help them make peace between two co-workers. I agreed to talk with both men. The interesting thing was that neither one was willing to give in and admit any wrong. I realized that, technically, the brother who was the leader was absolutely right in what he had said and done. If he took his case to a cou.. 2009. 10. 28.
Looking unto Jesus There must be a constant looking unto Jesus, or, as the German Bible states it, an offlooking upon Jesus-that is, looking off from the evil, refusing to see it, not letting the mind dwell upon it for a second. We should have mental eyelids as well as physical ones, which can be used like shields to keep out evil. They should be like a stockade camp in the woods, to repel the first assault of th.. 2009. 10. 28.
Look from the top Yes, our perplexities would become plain if we kept on a spiritual elevation. Often when the traveler quite loses his way he can discern it again from some hilltop where all the winding paths on which he has come appear behind him, and the whole homeward road opens before. So, from the heights of prayer and faith, we too can see the plain path and know we are going home. There is no other way i.. 2009. 10. 28.
Look from the place where thou art Let us think for a moment of the blessedness of faith. Our own littleness and nothingness sometimes becomes bondage. We are so small in our own eyes we dare not claim God's mighty promises. We say: "If I could be sure I was in God's will I could trust." This is all wrong. Self-consciousness is a great barrier to faith. Get your eyes on Him and Him alone. Not on your faith, but on the Author of .. 2009. 10. 28.
Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world Literally, Jesus is saying, "I am with you all the days." He comes to us each day with a new blessing. Every morning, day by day, He walks with us with a love that never tires and a blessing that never grows old. And He is with us "all the days;" it is a ceaseless abiding. There is no day so dark, so commonplace, so uninteresting that we do not find Him there. Often, no doubt, He is unrecognize.. 2009. 10. 28.
Lo, I am with you always This living Christ is not the person who was, but the person who still is your living Lord. At Preston Pans, near Edinburgh, I looked on the field where, long ago, armies had been engaged in contest. In the crisis of the battle the chieftain fell wounded. When they saw their leader's form go down, his men were about to shrink away from the field. Their strong hands held the claymore with trembl.. 2009. 10. 28.
Living In The Spirit "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."-Gal. v: 25. What is it to Live in the Spirit? It is to be born of the Spirit. It is to have received a new spiritual life from above. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." "If any man be in Christ.. 2009. 10. 28.