오늘의 말씀
예레미야 11:1-5 (쉬운성경, NASB)
1. 여호와께서 예레미야에게 말씀하셨다.
The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,
2. "이 언약의 말을 들어라. 그리고 유다 백성과 예루살렘에 사는 사람들에게 전하여라.
"Here the words of this covanant, and speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
3. 너는 그들에게 이스라엘의 하나님이신 여호와께서 이렇게 말씀하셨다고 전하여라. '누구든지 이 언약의 말에 순종하지 않는 사람에게는 재앙이 올 것이다.
and say to them, 'Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, "Cursed is the man who does not heed the words of this covenant.
4. 이 언약은 내가 너희 조상을 쇠로 녹이는 용광로와 같았던 이집트 땅에서 인도해 낼 때에 그들에게 명령한 것이다.' 나는 그들에게 이렇게 말했다. '나에게 순종하고 내가 너희에게 명령하는 모든 것을 그대로 지켜라. 그러면 너희는 내 백성이 되고, 나는 너희의 하나님이 될 것이다.
which I commanded your forefathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, 'Listen to My voice, and do according to all which I command you; so you shall be My people, and I will be your God,'
5. 나는 너희 조상들에게 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅을 주겠노라고 맹세한 것을 지키겠다. 그 약속이 오늘날 이루어졌다.'" 나 예레미야는 "아멘, 여호와여!" 라고 대답했다.
in order to confirm the oath which I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day'" Then I said, "Amen, O LORD."
MY DAUGHTER ELIZABETH screamed and shouted, stomped her feet, and paced in a rage. "But I want to go down there with the boys." "You can't," I said. "You're sick." "I am not," she said as she wiped mucus from her runny nose on her sleeve. Our basement was rented out to a family with a teenager who had a serious medical condition. Catching something from others could endanger her, so Joanna, the mother, watched everyone who came by. Suddenly, Elizabeth took a different tack: "I love you, Daddy." "If you love me, then do what I say." "I'm not sick!" At that point, I sent her to her room to cool down. The need for obedience is not a subject that we enjoy hearing about, even from Scripture. But it is a truth. When you love someone who is your leader, your Lord, your God, you obey them. It's the natural result of true love. I can think back to the many times in my life when I told God I loved Him and yet disobeyed Him in the next breath. It's so easy to disobey. And yet, in many ways, so easy to obey, too. It's a matter of the will. We can say we love God, but do we obey him, even in little things? That's the test.
Mark Littleton
Choose to obey God.
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