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데살로니가전서 1:4-10 (쉬운성경, NASB)
4. 형제 여러분, 우리는 하나님께서 여러분을 사랑하셔서 그분의 백성으로 삼으신 것을 알고 있습니다.
knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you;
5. 우리는 복음을 말로만 전하지 않고 하나님의 능력과 성령과 큰 믿음 가운데서 전했습니다. 여러분과 함께 있을 때 우리의 생활이 어떠했는지 여러분이 아실 것입니다. 그것은 여러분을 위해 그렇게 한 것입니다.
for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.
6. 여러분도 이제 우리처럼 주님을 본받는 자가 되었습니다. 고난을 받는 중에도 성령이 주는 기쁨을 통해 주님의 말씀을 놓치지 않았기 때문에,
You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit,
7. 여러분은 마케도니아와 아가야 지역에 사는 성도들에게 모범이 되고 있습니다.
so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.
8. 여러분을 통해 주님의 말씀이 마케도니아와 아가야 온 지방으로 퍼졌고, 여러분의 믿음도 그 모든 지역에 퍼졌습니다. 그러므로 하나님을 섬기는 여러분의 믿음에 관하여는 더 이상 할 말이 없습니다.
For the word of the Lord has sounded forth from you, not only in Macedonai and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone forth, so that we have no need to say anything.
9. 우리가 여러분을 방문했을 때, 여러분이 우리에게 잘 대해 준 것과, 섬기던 우상을 버리고 살아계신 하나님을 믿게 된 것에 대해서 그 사람들이 우리에게 잘 말해 주고 있습니다.
For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God,
10. 또한 그들은 여러분이 하나님의 아들이 다시 오시기를 고대하고 있다고 말해 주었습니다. 그렇습니다. 하나님께서는 그 아들을 다시 살리셨고, 그 아들 예수님은 하나님의 노여운 심판에서 우리를 구해 주실 것입니다. 그분은 반드시 다시 오십니다.
and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.
HAVE YOU LIVED a life of imitation? Imitation of Christ, that is. I want others to see my actions and beliefs as an imitation of my model, Jesus Christ. When I effectively imitate my role model, I then make myself a better model. It takes hard work and persistence to become an imitator of Christ. We have to commit daily to walking in His way and following His example. We need to allow ourselves to be shaped by the Word and guided by the Holy Spirit. once we start working toward the goal of mirroring the life of Christ, we then reflect what we have learned to those around us, becoming a role model. Does someone view you as a role model? What an honor to be revered as a good example. Your heart glows upon learning someone thinks this highly of you. The only thing better? Someone bestowing the title of role model on you because of your faith. Rejoice in the fact that God is using you as an ambassador to get His message out to those who need Him. Regard your position of role model highly and pursue it seriously. Models are looked up to and sought after. Strive to be the best role model possible for believers and nonbelievers, alike. And, when you are recognized as a model, return the glory to the one you imitate.
Jennifer R. Archer
Ask God to give you opportunities to model His ways today.
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