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묵상/Daily Devotion

How strong is your desire?

by 복음과삶 2006. 4. 18.


. . . Give me this water . . .’ (John 4:15 NIV)


Jesus uses our strongest cravings — hunger and thirst — to characterize the passion for goodness which is found in the man or woman determined to find God. It is like the person who has gone without food or water for an extended period of time. Sir Ernest Shackleton said that when he and his men faced extreme and continuous hunger on their polar expedition, they found it difficult to think about anything else but food.


Our search for righteousness cannot be an afterthought, a casual inquiry, something done in our spare time, with whatever energies are left after our pursuit of everything else has ended. Our soul's deepest desire must be for God. That is the only way to receive the filling God has to give us.


The psalmist experienced this thirst. "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God" (Ps. 42:1-2 NIV). This is much more than wishing for a cool sip of an iced drink on a summer's day. This is the perspiring laborer gulping water down his parched throat.

How great is your thirst for the living Water?


Life response: How great is my thirst for the "Living Water?"

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