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2월 18일 (시험) “여호사밧이 다시스의 선척을 제조하고 오빌로 금을 취하러 보내려 하였더니 그 배가 에시온게벨에서 파선하였으므로 가지 못하게 되매.” [열왕기상 22:48] "내가 하나님께 아뢰오리니 나를 정죄하지 마옵시고 무슨 연고로 나로 더불어 쟁변하시는지 나로 알게 하옵소서." (욥기 10:2) 오 곤한 .. 2010. 1. 20.
하늘 이사야 49장을 통해 우리는 주님이 당신의 투쟁을 알고 계신다고 배웠습니다. “우리 주 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 우리에게 승리를 주시는 하나님께 감사하노니”(고전15:57). 수많은 믿는 자들이 자신들의 시련과 환난 가운데 이 구절을 매일 인용합니다. 한데 바울이 말씀하는 문맥상 보면 이것은 더.. 2010. 1. 20.
Can We Go Too Far With Grace? Those who are afraid of the message of the grace walk have sometimes suggested that you can go too far with grace. It is from out of that unfounded fear that this lie finds expression. It is important to remember that grace involves God expressing His unconditional love and favor toward us; independent of anything we ever do or don’t do. Grace is personified in Jesus. So to say that you can g.. 2010. 1. 20.
"Spirit of Fear Exposed" "Spirit of Fear Exposed" Pastor Wayne Clabaugh Scripture Text: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) Are you angry? Why? Are you fearful? Why? Are you depressed and feeling low? Why? There are legitimate reasons for everyone of those feeling - especially in today's society . . . right? I mean, look at the infighting go.. 2010. 1. 19.
Befriending Unbelievers I've often heard it said and even used to say myself that we should befriend unbelievers in order to win them to Christ. That seems like it would be a noble reason to love people, doesn’t it? So that we can win them to Christ. But the truth is, that’s not a good reason for loving or befriending people. We befriend people, we love people because that’s our nature. It's who we are. To befri.. 2010. 1. 18.
"Walking In The Spirit" Series: How To Walk In The Will Of God - Pt 7 "Walking In The Spirit" (Standing Fast in the Faith of God's Divine Will) Pastor Wayne Clabaugh Scripture Text: "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:1 (KJV) Have you ever been in Jail? I haven't but I have known those who would do anything to be free o.. 2010. 1. 16.
I'm Not Going To Pray For Revival Everywhere I go I hear Christians talking about how much we need a revival. Call me crazy if you want, but I don't agree. I seen revival. I've been in authentic revivals and I can tell you one thing about them that is always true: They come and go. They don't last. When I was a boy, we would have "revival services" in the church twice a year. I must say that it was often a good experience. In f.. 2010. 1. 16.
2월 17일 (엘샤다이;모든것에 부족함이 없는 하나님) "아브라함이 죽은 후에 하나님이 그 아들 이삭에게 복을 주셨고 이삭은 브엘라해로이 근처에 거하였더라." (창 25:11) 하갈이 이곳 브엘 라해로이 근처에서 구출된 적이 있으며 이스마엘이 자비로운 하나님(살아 계셔서 사람의 아들들을 보고 계시는)의 계시로 그곳에서 물을 마신 적이 있습니다. 그러나.. 2010. 1. 15.
그리스도의 평강 이사야 49장을 통해 우리는 주님이 당신의 투쟁을 알고 계신다고 배웠습니다. 예수님은 제자들에게 어떤 상황에서든지, 모든 상황을 극복해 낼 수 있는 그런 평강이 필요한 것을 아셨습니다. 그분은 제자들에게 이렇게 말씀하셨습니다. “평안을 너희에게 끼치노니 곧 나의 평안을 너희에게 주노라”(.. 2010. 1. 15.
"Does God Speak - Pt 2" Series: How To Walk In The Will Of God - Pt 6b "Does God Speak - Pt 2" (Standing Fast in the Faith of God's Divine Will) Pastor Wayne Clabaugh Scripture Text: "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1 We continue today with our lesson on "Does God Speak?" (This is of course a continuation of our Se.. 2010. 1. 15.
You Can't Disappoint God When I was a legalistic preacher, I'd often speak of God's attitude toward us as if He were disappointed because we kept blowing it when it comes to the matter of sinning. I set out what I presented as His expectations about our behavior and went on to show how we let Him down when we failed to live up to those divine expectations. My whole approach to the matter was wrongheaded. To suggest tha.. 2010. 1. 15.
Does Teaching Grace Lead To a Careless Lifestyle? I do grow weary at times of having to answer the paranoid legalists who are so afraid that teaching pure and undiluted grace may lead people to think it's okay to sin. The strange thing is that when I ask them if that's what the teaching causes them to want to do, they always say it doesn't. It's not themselves they're worried about. It's these other pitiful, weak Christians who might misunders.. 2010. 1. 14.
2월 16일 (자족하는 법) “여호사밧이 다시스의 선척을 제조하고 오빌로 금을 취하러 보내려 하였더니 그 배가 에시온게벨에서 파선하였으므로 가지 못하게 되매.” [열왕기상 22:48] "내가 궁핍하므로 말하는 것이 아니라 어떠한 형편에든지 내가 자족하기를 배웠노라." (빌립보서 4:11) 오늘의 본문 말씀은 자족하는 것.. 2010. 1. 13.
이 모든 것을 통하여 이사야 49장을 통해 우리는 주님이 당신의 투쟁을 알고 계신다고 배웠습니다. 바울이 로마에서 재판을 앞두고 있었을 때, 그는 험악한 상태에서 갇혀있었습니다. (빌1:13-14 참조) 그는 양발이 한쪽씩 병사들에게 쇠사슬로 묶인 채 24시간 친위대 병사들의 감시를 받았습니다. 이 병사들은 무례하고, 강퍅.. 2010. 1. 13.
"Does God Speak - Pt 1" Series: How To Walk In The Will Of God - Pt 6a "Does God Speak - Pt 1" (Standing Fast in the Faith of God's Divine Will) Pastor Wayne Clabaugh Scripture Text: "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1 How do we find our way into the diary of God? How do we know His will for our lives? we simply ope.. 2010. 1. 13.
Stop Trying To Stop Sinning Building on yesterday's blog topic about sin consciousness, let's consider this whole issue of how we are to relate to sins. The primary project for most Christians in the modern church is to reduce the number or frequency of sins in their lives. It's a sin management program that they devote themselves to with great zeal and sincere commitment. It all sounds so good on the surface. That's the .. 2010. 1. 13.
Sin Consciousness There is an obsession with sin management in the modern church world that I think may fit under the category of "Idolatry." Some Christians talk and think more about sins than they do Jesus Christ Himself. "But don't we need to focus on overcoming our sins?" some may ask. The Bible says that Jesus came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. That's the reality we need to lock in on in life.. 2010. 1. 13.
Should We Really Do Everything Jesus Said? Is it really true that we should do everything Jesus said? I've provoked criticism of my teaching at times when I've said that the answer to that question is, "no." There is a new movement of those who call themselves “red letter Christians”, who say: “I’m living by the red letters in the New Testament.” That refers to the Bibles that have the words of Jesus written in red. “I’m d.. 2010. 1. 11.
Offending Weaker Brothers I've often heard the teaching that, as Christians, we shouldn’t do anything that might offend somebody. While there is a biblical truth about being an offense that we need to understand, it's also the case that many Christians have been put into bondage by faulty teaching about the passage in the New Testament which speaks about not being a stumbling block for weaker brothers. Some have misre.. 2010. 1. 8.
The Christian Life Is NOT "All Of Him And None Of Me" I've been working on a manuscript for a book based on the 101 Lies Taught In Church videos that I posted on YouTube two years ago. Some of these lies seem true at first glance. Here’s one that sounds like an expression of genuine humility. “The Christian life is all of Christ and none of me.” A person who would make this statement could almost sound noble, like a super-spiritual person. I.. 2010. 1. 6.
"IT'S ALL NEW - Pt 3" ; "A Vision Of The New Heaven" Scripture Text: "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Revelation 21: 2 (KJV) We know that all scripture is given by the Inspiration of God, yet, I can hardly see how the finite mind, and our limited vocabulary could ever describe or picture of the Holy City, The New Jerusalem. All we can do is to imagine. .. 2010. 1. 6.
"IT'S ALL NEW - Pt 2" Pastor Wayne Clabaugh Scripture Text: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new". 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) I can remember a precious lady who had claimed to be a Baptist all of her life - take me to task as I gave a message using this particular verse. She maintained that nothing "exceptional" or "new" took place in he.. 2010. 1. 5.
Dead Men Are Free From Sin Imagine Leo overdosing on cocaine and dying. They take his body to the funeral home and prepare it for burial. A few hours before the funeral starts, one of his drug buddies comes into the parlor where they have Leo’s corpse laid out. Nobody else is in the room, so his buddy walks over to the casket and leans over. “Hey, Leo,” he says. “We’re alone right now, man. I’ve got some good.. 2010. 1. 5.
Does Your Church Sing Hymns or Choruses? An old farmer went to the city one weekend and attended the big city church. He came home and his wife asked him how it was. "Well," said the farmer. "It was good. They did something different,however.They sang praise choruses instead of hymns." "Praise choruses?" asked the wife. "What are those?" "Oh,they're okay. They're sort of like hymns, only different," said the farmer. "Well, what's the .. 2010. 1. 4.
Future Sins Are Already Forgiven “It can’t be true that my future sins are already forgiven!” This was the protest I heard one day after somebody heard me teach that all of our sins are forgiven. I read her the passage from Colossians 2:13-14. Then I asked her these questions, which I encourage you to answer as you read them. 1. How many of your sins did God know about before you were born? (All of them.) 2. How many of .. 2009. 12. 30.
머리카락을 만져 보아라 그리스도는 마지막 때를 곤고하고 두려운 시간으로 묘사하였습니다. “사람들이 세상에 임할 일을 생각하고 무서워하므로 기절하리니...민족들이...혼란한 중에 곤고하리라”(눅21:26, 25). 이러한 재난에 우리를 준비시키기 위해 예수님은 우리에게 무엇을 주셨습니까? 앞으로 다가올 두려움에 대한 그.. 2009. 12. 29.
Where Does God Live? I heard about two college students whose football team was about to get a goat as their new school mascot. There was much discussion among the students about where the goat would stay. One of the boys said to the other, “Why don’t we let the goat stay in our dorm room?” “What about the smell?” the other asked. “The goat will get used to the smell,” the first responded. Goats may g.. 2009. 12. 29.
Spiritual Hunger Once we have encountered the love of our Father up close and personal, we become addicted for life. We just can’t get enough of Him. It’s as Jesus reveals Himself to us that we find ourselves hungering to know Him more intimately and to love Him more earnestly. Speaking from his own experience, St. Augustine said, “You flashed, You shone; and You chased away my blindness. You became fragr.. 2009. 12. 29.
생명의 말씀을 밝혀 이사야 49장을 통해 우리는 주님이 당신의 투쟁을 알고 계신다고 배웠습니다. 바울은 기록했습니다. “생명의 말씀을 밝혀 나의 달음질이 헛되지 아니하고 수고도 헛되지 아니함으로 그리스도의 날에 내가 자랑할 것이 있게 하려 함이라”(빌2:16). 바울은 그가 그리스도의 존전에 서고 구속의 비밀들.. 2009. 12. 21.
God is the Ultimate Inspector 오늘의 말씀 시편 139:1-6 (쉬운성경, NASB) 1. 여호와여, 주께서 지금까지 나를 살피폈으니 주는 나를 알고 계십니다. O LORD, You have searched me and known me. 2. 주는 내가 언제 앉고, 언제 일어서는지를 알고 계십니다. 주는 멀리서도 나의 생각들을 아십니다. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought.. 2009. 12. 21.