오늘의 묵상 (시100:1~5)
1. 온 땅이여, 여호와께 즐겁게 외치십시오.
2. 즐거움으로 여호와를 섬기십시오. 기쁨의 노래를 부르면서 그분 앞으로 나아오십시오.
3. 여호와께서 우리의 하나님이심을 아십시오. 그분이 우리를 지으셨으니, 우리는 그분의 것입니다. 우리는 그분의 백성이며 그분이 돌보는 양떼들입니다.
4. 감사의 노래를 부르면서 그분의 성문으로 들어가십시오. 찬양을 드리면서 그분의 뜰 안으로 들어가십시오. 그분에게 감사하고 그분의 이름을 찬양하십시오.
5. 여호와는 선하시며, 그분의 사랑은 영원합니다. 그분의 성실하심은 대대로 이어질 것입니다.
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. (Ps. 100:1)
What kind of people attract you? Is it the complaining person? What about the grouchy one? Or maybe it's the one wearing a scowl or just a plain, sad face? No, I don't think so.
We all like to hear positive things delivered with a smile and a laugh; that's what makes our day brighter. That's our earthly influence; but what about our relationship with God? How should we approach Him?
Some of the directives in Psalm 100 say we should shout for joy, worship the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful songs, and enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Doesn't that make you a more positive person?
As I've had the opportunity to visit mission work in a number of countries, it never ceases to amaze me as to how happy most of these people are. They do not have a lot of this world's goods to make them happy, but they know the real source of joy in their relationship with their Savior! The many things of this earth do not clutter their lives, so they can focus on the really important things. What about us?
—Glenda Hoyle
May we worship the Lord today and share His joy.
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