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Forgiveness F. B. Hole. The Great Salvation Foreword. The Scriptures themselves speak of the "great salvation," which has reached us through the Gospel. We, who have experienced the saving grace of God, know something of its greatness, but it is only as we search the Scriptures and investigate its details that the magnitude of what God has brought to pass begins to dawn upon us. In these pages the main det.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Old Old Story (Gospel Addresses) W W Fereday. "FIG-LEAVES." There are but two religions in the world, and both are found in Gen. 3, for both commenced in the Garden of Eden. Man's religion is described in Gen. 5: 7; God's in Gen. 5: 21. Man's religion may assume many forms, as Brahmanism in India, Buddhism in China, Mohammedanism in Turkey, and Romanism in Spain; but one principle is common to them all, and is expressed in the.. 2009. 9. 2.
God's Glad Tidings (Gospel Addresses) W W Fereday THE SWORD OF GOD (Gen. 3: 24, etc.), TWO GREAT QUESTIONS (Gen. 4: 10, etc.), THE ASS AND THE LAMB (Ex. 13: 13), FACE TO FACE WITH DEATH (l Sam. 28: 19, etc.), "IS IT PEACE?" (2 Kings 9: 22) "ME" AND "MY SINS" (Psalm 41: 12, etc.) "GOOD NEWS FROM A FAR COUNTRY" (Prov. 25: 25) HUMAN INSENSIBILITY (Isa. 1: 3, etc.), PEACE: FALSE AND TRUE (Jer. 6: 14, etc.) AN IMPERIAL CONVERT (Dan. 4: .. 2009. 9. 2.
Fundamental Truths of Salvation Edward Dennett Preface The following pages are designed to meet the need of those who have been awakened and quickened by the Spirit of God; and therefore the writer has sought to explain "the way of salvation" as simply and as clearly as possible. On this account he has not been anxious to avoid repetition, if in this way he could succeed in simplifying his subject. But he has not been satisfi.. 2009. 9. 2.
Forgivenesss and Salvation. J. N. Darby. (Extracted from Food for the Flock Vol. 2, 1875, page 273.) People do not really believe that they are lost; they believe that they have sins; but that does not touch the question of being lost. Your sins make you guilty, but your state by nature is that you are lost. It is quite another thing to seeing that I have sins, the consciousness that I am lost now. In my natural condition.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Character of the Ministry of the Gospel. Notes of a lecture on 2 Corinthians 4: 5. J. N. Darby. (Words of Faith, Vol. 3, 1884, page 5.) The character of the ministry of the gospel, is, that the things are possessed for ourselves, before they can be ministered to others. In the Old Testament it was not for themselves, but for us, "did they minister the things." (See 1 Peter 1: 1012.) We stand between the suffering and the glory, with t.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Resurrection, the Fundamental Truth of the Gospel. J. N. Darby. <03005E> 147 Many have, perhaps, been able, in looking at the Church's hope in Christ, to see the importance of the doctrine of the resurrection. But the more we search the Scriptures, the more we perceive, in this doctrine, the fundamental truth of the gospel — that truth which gives to redemption its character, and to all other truths their real power. For instance, who do.. 2009. 9. 2.
"The mystery of piety" 1 Timothy 3: 15-16 N. Anderson. One blessed feature of our calling is that we are in integral part of the House of God. Please read these two verses of Scripture from the N. Tr. by J.N.D. Note, Timothy was not exhorted as to how he should behave, rather that he should know how one should behave — any one who would take account, for this is an abstract statement, albeit having very practical re.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Gospel of the Glory Acts 1: 8-11; Acts 2: 14, 22-24, 33-36; Acts 7: 55, 56; Acts 9: 20, 24-28. N. Anderson. Psalm 19 has been referred to, and a fragment from it may serve to illustrate the line I wish to pursue, the Lord helping me. There we read of the sun, "as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoicing as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto t.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Bible: Whence is it? - from heaven or of men? C. H. Mackintosh. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." Precious words! Would they were more thoroughly understood in this our day! It is of the utmost possible importance that the Lord's people should be rooted, grounded and settled in the grand truth of the plenary inspiration of holy scripture. It is to be feared that laxity as to this most weighty subject .. 2009. 9. 1.
The Bible — Its Sufficiency and Supremacy. C. H. Mackintosh. Some, we are aware, would fain persuade us that things are so totally changed since the Bible was penned, that we need other guidance than that which its precious pages supply. They tell us that society is not what it was; that the human race has made progress; that there has been such a development of the powers of nature, the resources of science and the appliances of philoso.. 2009. 9. 1.
The Word of God 2 Tim. 3: 16. W. Kelly. When God made man, He did not make him as he is, any more than the world as it is. He made everything good, but He was not pleased to put forth His power to keep everything good. He was pleased to put the creature to the proof. He tried the creature in two great spheres — above and below. The angels fell before man; and the chief of those that fell above is the great te.. 2009. 9. 1.
God's Inspiration of the Scriptures Part 1 W. Kelly. Preface There is no question agitated in Christendom of greater moment than the true character and claim of the Scriptures. Nor has their divine authority been more widely denied all over the world than in our own day; and this, not merely by avowed sceptics, but by professing Christians of practically every denomination, and by many of their most distinguished representatives. But whe.. 2009. 9. 1.
How do we regard the Bible? F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 39, 1956-8, page 99.) In the conflict between the truth of God and the lie of the devil between faith and unbelief, the attitude which we adopt towards the Holy Scriptures is decisive — decisive as regards ourselves. The Book, and the God who inspired it are quite unmoved by our thoughts and words. If an airman, flying over the Himalayas, regard.. 2009. 9. 1.
An Introduction to the Bible J. N. Darby. (Translated from the French) <34001F> 1 To write an introduction to the Bible seems to me a deeply serious and difficult matter. To take up a Book which is the harmonious whole of all God's thoughts, of all His ways with regard to man, and of His determinate purpose as to the Christ, and as to man in Him; wherein also is set forth the revelation of what God is, of man's respo.. 2009. 9. 1.
Inspiration and Revelation J. N. Darby. <29004E> 137 {*A review of Dr. Marcus Dods' sermon, Inspiration and Revelation, with a preface (Edinburgh, 1877); and the system of rationalism of Dr. Ewald of which it is a popular echo.} We have to avoid the wiles of Satan continually. His temptations are ever there in all we pass through; but there are some things which come more directly from him, errors by which he seeks.. 2009. 9. 1.
Have we a revelation from God? (2) J. N. Darby. <29003E> {file section b.} {*A Review of Professor Smith's Article 'Bible,' in the 'Encyclopedia Britannica,' ninth edition.} 97 When Moses and the law had come in, then it was only on the judgment of Israel that this blessing came out, and that through Christ. (See Romans 11.) So Deuteronomy 32: 28, the judgment being solemnly insisted on in what precedes, both of Jews and G.. 2009. 9. 1.
Have we a revelation from God? (1) J. N. Darby. <29003E> 60 {file section a.} {*A Review of Professor Smith's Article 'Bible,' in the 'Encyclopedia Britannica,' ninth edition.} It is evidently an all-important question, Have we a revelation from God? a communication of His thoughts on which we can rely? Is there nothing certain, nothing certainly known, nothing which enables me to say, I have God's truth? Have I from God s.. 2009. 9. 1.
What do I learn from Scripture? J. N. Darby. <23006E> 127 Preface The following paper was drawn up, on the request being made to the writer to give a statement of his faith. It was replied that the writer would not sign a confession of faith which he had drawn up himself; that all human statement of truth was so inferior to scripture, even when drawn from it [the written word], that he could not do it; and the drawing up.. 2009. 9. 1.
The Capacity for Knowing Divine Love, and how we know it. 1 John 4: 7-19 J. N. Darby. <17010E> 296 I would add to the paper on 1 John 4 some observations of a somewhat different character, though partly referring to the same truths. The verses which I would seek in a measure to unfold are from verse 7 to 19. There are two subjects in these verses - the capacity for knowing divine love, and the manifestation or proof of it, or more generally how w.. 2009. 8. 31.
Divine Perfectness of Love 1 John 4: 17 J. N. Darby. <17009E> 291 The love of God is presented in two very distinct ways in this chapter. First, in verse 9 as manifested in giving His Son for us, and then in verse 17, in its double fruit of love and light in us. God's love in contrast to man's love is distinguished by this, that while man must have something to draw out his love, as it is said, "For a good man some .. 2009. 8. 31.
The Love of God 1 John 4: 9 J. N. Darby. <17008E> 285 We find that God is dealing with men according to everything that He is in Himself - dealing with their hearts and consciences by presenting to them all that He is; and we know that He is holy, righteous and love, so that we may look at these things as being brought ourselves truly to God. "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." This shews the ne.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Love of Christ, and the experience that flows from it. Ephesians J. N. Darby. <16052E> 377 There are two points seen distinctly in our salvation and in the ways of God. The first is God bringing His thoughts to pass about us in grace, the second is the dealings of God with us, so as to bring our souls into the full enjoyment of both the source and effects of all His thoughts. And I am sure we ought to take heed to the difference of those two t.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Constraining Love of Christ 2 Corinthians 5: 14-17. N. Anderson In our Bible reading this afternoon terms such as "we ought," "we should," and "we would" were used. Along with this, emphasis was laid upon the fact and the necessity of being born of God; for only "new bottles" could contain the "new wine." Reference was also made to the necessity of the power of the Spirit of God to lead us on into the apprehension and enjo.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Sufferings of Christ (3) J. N. Darby. From the "Bible Treasury," 1858-9. <07008E> 139 {file section c.} 204 Notice of earlier opinions on the subject. I said I would take notice of the quotations from ancient writers on the point of Christ's vicarious life and living sufferings. What I have already said will have proved that views of His sufferings, in which (what I avow is to me more precious than clearness) true.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Workings of the Holy Spirit. J. McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 36, 1948-50, page 273.) The full blaze of the Lord's glory could not be manifested while He was on earth. A glimpse of it was seen both by Peter and Thomas (Matt. 16: 16; John 20: 28), but how could the disciples, or even those in the home at Nazareth, have lived had they known that the eternal God was amongst them in that lowly One? It began to c.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Spirit of Truth J. McBroom. To the Reader. This booklet is complement to two others, one, "The Beauty of the Lord," and the other, "The God of Glory." It was felt that after putting out a meditation upon God which necessarily led to the Father, and one on the Son, our glorious Lord, a word was called for on The Spirit. In this way, the three make a meditation upon GOD. In the New Testament we have the revelati.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Holy Spirit's Service. F. A. Hughes. MAY/JUNE 1977 The truth relating to the Holy Spirit of God — His deity, His work, His abiding presence with believers — is one of the most important subjects of the holy Scriptures. Sometimes referred to as "the third Person in the Trinity," He is nevertheless possessed of full Deity — He is God. He has His place in the first sentence of the Scriptures. "In the beginning God".. 2009. 8. 31.
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost. W W Fereday From the Bible Treasury Vol. N1, page 213. This is an expression very frequently heard at the present time; but often used, alas! with a painful lack of divine intelligence. Some will tell us that they have recently experienced it as a kind of second blessing; others are crying to God constantly, both individually and collectively, for it, both for themselves and for the church at la.. 2009. 8. 31.