God's Glad Tidings (Gospel Addresses)
W W Fereday THE SWORD OF GOD (Gen. 3: 24, etc.), TWO GREAT QUESTIONS (Gen. 4: 10, etc.), THE ASS AND THE LAMB (Ex. 13: 13), FACE TO FACE WITH DEATH (l Sam. 28: 19, etc.), "IS IT PEACE?" (2 Kings 9: 22) "ME" AND "MY SINS" (Psalm 41: 12, etc.) "GOOD NEWS FROM A FAR COUNTRY" (Prov. 25: 25) HUMAN INSENSIBILITY (Isa. 1: 3, etc.), PEACE: FALSE AND TRUE (Jer. 6: 14, etc.) AN IMPERIAL CONVERT (Dan. 4: ..
2009. 9. 2.
The Resurrection, the Fundamental Truth of the Gospel.
J. N. Darby. <03005E> 147 Many have, perhaps, been able, in looking at the Church's hope in Christ, to see the importance of the doctrine of the resurrection. But the more we search the Scriptures, the more we perceive, in this doctrine, the fundamental truth of the gospel — that truth which gives to redemption its character, and to all other truths their real power. For instance, who do..
2009. 9. 2.