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The True Grace of God wherein we stand. 1 Peter 5: 12. J. N. Darby. {Similar to, perhaps extracted from, 'Why do I groan?' C.W. 12 Evangelical vol. 1, page 186.} God is made known to us as the "God of all Grace," and the position in which we are set is that of "tasting that He is gracious." How hard it is for us to believe this, that the Lord is gracious. The natural feeling of our hearts is, "I know that thou art an austere man"; the.. 2009. 9. 5.
The Standing and State of the Believer J. N. Darby. {The Standing and State of the Believer is Part 2 of a three part, 32 page booklet published by A. S. Rouse, London, Part 1 can be found in Practical No. 1 page 179 and Part 3 in Evangelical No. 1 page 361.} The possession of eternal life in Christ Jesus risen and glorified, and the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, are blessings which characterize Christianity, and it is consequently o.. 2009. 9. 5.
The Present Effect of Waiting for Christ J. N. Darby. {Christian Friend 1888, pages 237-41.} There are two things which constitute the joy of a Christian, which are his strength on the road, and the object constantly before his heart. First, present communion and fellowship with God the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. Secondly, the hope of the coming of the Lord. And these two cannot be separated without loss to our souls, for w.. 2009. 9. 3.
Evil Thoughts, unbidden and hated. J. N. Darby. (Extract from a Letter.) {Pamphlet published by Morrish} Dear -, I have your letter, and I am sure that the enemy is very busy, as well as the evil heart within. What you need is thorough deliverance from yourself, that is, the flesh. You speak of evil thoughts, unbidden and hated, springing up in the heart even when you seek to be occupied with the Lord, this too when really thinki.. 2009. 9. 3.
The Full Import of Conversion. 1 Thessalonians 1: 9, 10. J. N. Darby. (Words of Faith, Vol. 3, 1884, page 36.) It should ever be borne in mind that the Lord Himself must be the centre in testimony, however blessed it is to put forth the gospel of God's grace. Here, in Thessalonica, these souls were brought out to serve the living and true God. The whole man turned to God - a totally new state from beginning to end; not merely.. 2009. 9. 3.
The Christian's Life in Christ Colossians 1 J. N. Darby. <31015E> 210 The character of Colossians is that the saint is looked at as risen: we hear nothing of the Holy Ghost except the expression, "your love in the Spirit." But it brings out the other side, Christ as life in us, more fully here than anywhere. Christ is in us, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." The way the saint is looked at is as risen; the consequence .. 2009. 9. 3.
Sanctification John 17 J. N. Darby. <31010E> 168 I have it on my heart to say a few words on this chapter in reference specially to the character of sanctification. At this moment, as we all know, the Lord was rejected. From chapter 13 we get Him speaking on this ground: "Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father." All through the Gospel, from chapter I, He.. 2009. 9. 3.
Deliverance J. N. Darby. <31008E> 153 The Epistle to the Romans, beloved friends, takes up the Christian, if we compare one aspect of his condition with another, on the lowest ground. If for instance we take the Ephesians, there we find the Christian spoken of as "raised up together, and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"; but you never get him there in the Epistle to the Romans... 2009. 9. 3.
Forgiveness and Liberty J. N. Darby. <29011E> 298 I would, for a few moments, draw the attention of brethren in Christ to a point, as to which I think there has been a good deal of misapprehension in practice, and which, while the joy of known forgiveness seemed to make all plain for a time, has left souls subsequently in distress and difficulty, even when not doubting of their acceptance, though it has sometimes.. 2009. 9. 3.
Death for a Christian: Three letters to a mother and her daughter. J. N. Darby. <23025E> 373 No. 1 Dear sister, Yes, doubtless, the loss of your dear daughter will be a sorrowful blow and a great gap in your family; but in one way or another I have for a long time accustomed myself to death in Christ; and, as far as Christians are concerned, to my mind it comes with smiles — in itself a terrible thing, I fully own, but now a gain. God will have us in th.. 2009. 9. 3.
Cleansing and Deliverance J. N. Darby. <23016E> 273 As regards perfection, which is often a difficulty, the ground has been taken that, while the flesh never changes, which is perfectly true so far, yet supposing we sin, by referring to the blood of Christ, inasmuch as it cleanses, we are constantly thus perfectly clear. Blood has to cleanse because we are not clean. But this does not at all meet the point. What is.. 2009. 9. 3.
Deliverance from under the Law, as stated in the Holy Scriptures. J. N. Darby. <07007G> 127 {This paper appeared originally in German. — Ed.} In our relationship to God, there are two points of primary importance for us to remark: their responsibility as men, and the power of that life in which we live before Him. Both these were set forth to us by God in the garden of Eden, in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and in the tree of life. First,.. 2009. 9. 3.
What is a Christian's Rule of Life, Christ or the Law? T. B. Baines. Christian Friend, vol. 7, 1880, p. 94. It is commonly taught among Christians, that the believer's rule of walk is the moral law, or the Ten Commandments. It is admitted, of course, by all, that the believer is not justified by the deeds of the law, and that if the law be thus used, it will only add to man's condemnation. His justification must clearly be by grace, and on the princ.. 2009. 9. 3.
Walk in the Spirit. Gal. 5: 16. J. G. Bellett. BT vol. 19 p. 372. "Out of the eater came forth sweetness" has been the test of divine providence exemplified in all ages of the world. Sin, with all its misery, brought Jesus. In the church at Corinth the misery of the flesh disclosed many a secret. If the eater had not gone to Corinth, a stronger than he had not gone after him, nor out of the eater such sweetness com.. 2009. 9. 3.
The Gospel and the Church according to Scripture: Being a review of "Church Doctrine, Bible Truth," by the Rev. M. S. Sadler J. N. Darby. <29014E> 324 There are many things I accept in this book, truths that the evangelical world have, from circumstances, lost, or which have been thrown by them into the background. I shall refer to some of the chief ones here. First, I believe the Person of the Lord has lost the place — at least in rev.. 2009. 9. 2.
Glad Tidings C. H. Mackintosh. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16. There are some passages in Holy Scripture which seem to contain in a line or two, an entire volume of most precious truth. The verse which we have just penned is one of such. It is part of our Lords memorable discourse with Ni.. 2009. 9. 2.
Evangelization — A word to the Evangelist. C. H. Mackintosh. We trust it may not be deemed out of place if we venture to offer a word of counsel and encouragement to all who have been and are engaged in the blessed work of preaching the gospel of the grace of God. We are, in some measure, aware of the difficulties and discouragements which attend upon the path of every evangelist, whatever may be his sphere of labour or measure of gift;.. 2009. 9. 2.
Conversion: What is it? C. H. Mackintosh. Part 1 1 Thessalonians 1 presents a very striking and beautiful picture of what we may truly call genuine conversion. We propose to study the picture in company with the reader. If we are not much mistaken, we shall find the study at once interesting and profitable. It will furnish an answer, distinct and clear, to the question which stands at the head of this article, namely,.. 2009. 9. 2.
Forgiveness of sins: What is it? C. H. Mackintosh. "Oh! the blessedness; transgression forgiven; sin covered." This truly is blessedness, and without this, blessedness must be unknown. To have the full assurance that my sins are all forgiven, is the only foundation of true happiness. To be happy without this, is to be happy on the brink of a yawning gulf into which I may, at any moment, be dashed for ever. It is utterly impossi.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Gospel of the Glory of Christ. 2 Cor. 4: 6. W. Kelly. It is more particularly to these few words I would call your attention tonight. The words of God are deep as they are also simple and most truly reliable. I do not, therefore, at this time purpose to bring many words in an expositional way before you, but to look at the concentration of the truth given in a verse usually passed over without much painstaking. What does the .. 2009. 9. 2.
The Gospel of God. Romans 1 F. A. Hughes. MAY/JUNE 1979 No apology is advanced relative to the introduction of this subject, one so often referred to as "elementary," a word quite correct if used in its true place. Nothing can be more blessed, more important, or of such value as that which is "of God." Its source is the heart of the eternal God and, as eternal in its character, an eternity is essential for the ful.. 2009. 9. 2.
Sanctification. F. B. Hole. The Scriptures have a good deal to say to us as to sanctification, in the Old Testament as well as in the New; and wherever we find it the word has the fundamental meaning of a separation, or a setting apart. In the Old Testament the word is freely used of things as well as persons. In the New Testament it is mainly, though not exclusively, used of persons; and as applying to believe.. 2009. 9. 2.
Salvation F. B. Hole. We now come to a word of very large meaning, so large indeed that it may be used in a sense that covers other gospel words such as justification, redemption, reconciliation. An instance of the large meaning which may be attached to it is found in Hebrews 2: 3, where the mighty intervention of God on man's behalf, which first began to be spoken by the Lord Himself, is spoken of as "so.. 2009. 9. 2.
Redemption. F. B. Hole. Not only has sin plunged us into guilt, and brought us face to face with condemnation, but it has entangled us in bondage of a very fearful sort; a bondage from which we are utterly unable to extricate ourselves. Then, as regards the Gospel, not only does it proclaim forgiveness in relation to our guilt, and justification instead of condemnation, but it reveals to us God, acting as a.. 2009. 9. 2.
Reconciliation. F. B. Hole. A number of different words have been employed by the Spirit of God to convey to us the far-reaching effects of the work of Christ. Reconciliation is one of them, and it possesses great definiteness of meaning. It carries us further into the positive blessings of the Gospel than do justification or redemption. The very idea it expresses belongs to the New Testament. At first sight th.. 2009. 9. 2.
Quickening F B Hole Only when we take a wide view of our fallen estate can we realize in an adequate way the complete havoc that has been wrought by sin, or the fulness of God's answer to it all which reaches us in the Gospel. We have already seen that sin has brought in: — guilt, and so forgiveness must reach us; condemnation, so justification is needed; bondage, and we need redemption; alienation from .. 2009. 9. 2.
New Creation. F. B. Hole. As we have considered in detail most of the features that go to make up the "great salvation" which has reached us, we have hitherto been able to point out how each is designed of God to meet and overcome some particular result or penalty of sin. But now as we reach the last, this feature has to be absent. We have left "new creation" until the last as it seems to be the ultimate thin.. 2009. 9. 2.
The New Birth. F. B. Hole. We are introduced to this theme by the Lord Himself, who put it in the very forefront of His teaching when He had the talk with Nicodemus by night. It is alluded to by John in the preface to his Gospel (John 1: 13), but not in any way expounded until we come to John 3. Having heard of it more fully from the lips of the Lord, we find further details as to it both in 1 Peter and 1 John.. 2009. 9. 2.
Justification. F. B. Hole. To be justified is to be cleared from every charge that could be brought against us. That this is the meaning is very apparent in the Apostle's words, recorded in Acts 13: 39, "By Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." The law could most effectually impeach us. It could lay sins to our charge and bring a righteou.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit. F. B. Hole. We have considered many of the direful consequences of sin; there remains one further effect to be emphasized. It has reduced men to a state of powerlessness. Not only are we fallen into bondage to sin, as we saw when considering redemption, but we are totally without power to please God or to serve Him. Now one thing is certain: the creature should within its own limits perfectly se.. 2009. 9. 2.