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The Holy Spirit as seen in John's Gospel John 1: 29-39; John 3: 1-16; John 4: 13-26; John 14: 15-27; John 16: 7-16; John 20: 17-23. Reading with G. Davison extracted from "Precious Things" 1956-1990 The subject for our consideration is the Holy Spirit as brought before us in the gospel of John. We hope to take in almost the whole of the gospel by referring to the ministry of our Lord as given to us in the first twelve chapters, then H.. 2009. 8. 31.
The New Birth and Eternal Life John 3 Lecture 1 of 'The New Testament Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.' W. Kelly. Rouse 1906. Preface to the First Edition. The volume which is now before the reader consists of a course of lectures delivered in London during a brief part of this summer, and, after an interval of other work, which delayed the needful revision, printed from the shorthand writer's report. Few, perhaps, will be more s.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Spirit of God W. Kelly. "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descendi.. 2009. 8. 31.
What does the Coming of the Comforter mean? J. N. Darby. {Serving as a reply to the second article on "The Church in the Old Testament" in "Our Banner" (an American Periodical), April 16, 1877.} {Bible Herald, 1877, pages 223-256.} I have no pleasure in mere controversy, and as I noticed Mr G.'s previous article* on the church only at the request of those interested in the subject, I take notice of his reply for the same reason, but only .. 2009. 8. 30.
On Sealing with the Holy Ghost J. N. Darby. <31019E> 254 Our being sealed with the Spirit is too important a point to allow it to settle down into the ambiguity and mist into which it is fallen in many souls. The Scripture is plain and positive on the subject, and it constitutes, not the foundation, but what is specifically characteristic, of the Christian state. Details and experiences as to it may require detailed in.. 2009. 8. 30.
Christ in Heaven, and the Holy Spirit sent down. Acts 2: 22-36 J. N. Darby. <31018E> 245 This passage brings very definitely before us (Christ having been exalted as man by, and to, the right hand of God) how consequently the disciples received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. This runs through all the instruction given here. The place of Christ, having finished redemption, is to sit now at the right hand of God, "expecting till h.. 2009. 8. 30.
A letter to the Saints in London as to the presence of the Holy Ghost~ A letter to the Saints in London as to the presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church. J. N. Darby. <03010E> 341 PREFACE In correcting this tract for a third edition, I have not entered on the distinction to be made between the body of Christ and the habitation of the Spirit — in that one is composed of members livingly united to the Head, the other built (see 1 Cor. 3) by the instrumenta.. 2009. 8. 30.
A letter to the Saints in London as to the presence of the Holy Ghost~ A letter to the Saints in London as to the presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church. J. N. Darby. <03010E> 341 PREFACE In correcting this tract for a third edition, I have not entered on the distinction to be made between the body of Christ and the habitation of the Spirit — in that one is composed of members livingly united to the Head, the other built (see 1 Cor. 3) by the instrumenta.. 2009. 8. 30.
A few remarks connected with the Presence and Operation of the Spirit~ A few remarks connected with the Presence and Operation of the Spirit of God in the Body, the Church. J. N. Darby. <03009E> 319 My dear brother, I have read the unpublished tract you sent, and I proceed to give you my judgment upon it. I cannot help seeing in it some expression of the same restlessness of the flesh which it professes to condemn, and (as it seems to me) of quite as evil a .. 2009. 8. 28.
On the Presence and Action of the Holy Ghost in the Church (4) in answer to the work of Mr. P. Wolff, entitled, "Ministry as opposed to Hierarchism and chiefly to Religious Radicalism," Valence, 1844 J. N. Darby. <03007F> {file section d.} 283 CHAPTER 16 ON MR. WOLFF'S CHAPTER 16, WHERE THIS WRITER PRETENDS TO PROVE, BY TWENTY-FIVE REASONS, THAT THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST HAVE ALL CEASED. The writer begins his demonstration by rather a remarkable avo.. 2009. 8. 28.
On the Presence and Action of the Holy Ghost in the Church (3) in answer to the work of Mr. P. Wolff, entitled, "Ministry as opposed to Hierarchism and chiefly to Religious Radicalism," Valence, 1844 J. N. Darby. <03007F> {file section c.} 259 CHAPTER 10 ON MR. WOLFF'S CHAPTER 10, ABOUT EVANGELISTS. After having, in support of election by men and ordination, assimilated the pastor to the bishop, Mr. Wolff puts on the same line and in the same conditio.. 2009. 8. 28.
On the Presence and Action of the Holy Ghost in the Church (2) in answer to the work of Mr. P. Wolff, entitled, "Ministry as opposed to Hierarchism and chiefly to Religious Radicalism," Valence, 1844 J. N. Darby. <03007F> {file section b.} 235 CHAPTER 4 ON MR. WOLFF'S CHAPTER 4, CONCERNING THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS ON THE VOCATION OF THE BISHOP. In all the rest of the pamphlet we must expect to find the bishop and the pastor confounded; this will create m.. 2009. 8. 28.
On the Presence and Action of the Holy Ghost in the Church (1) in answer to the work of Mr. P. Wolff, entitled, "Ministry as opposed to Hierarchism and chiefly to Religious Radicalism," Valence, 1844 J. N. Darby. <03007F> 206 {file section a.} Preface This answer to Mr. Wolff's pamphlet upon Ministry was written immediately after the publication of that work. The author of the answer having been absent from the country for eleven months, the manuscrip.. 2009. 8. 28.
Remarks on the Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Christian J. N. Darby. <03008F> 314 I desire to make a few remarks* of a practical tendency and of deep interest, on the effects of the presence of the Holy Ghost in the Christian. {*This paper forms a sort of Appendix to the Edition in French of "The Operations of the Spirit."} The Spirit of God, as dwelling in us, may be considered in two aspects: for He unites us to the Lord Jesus, so that His pr.. 2009. 8. 28.
Operations of the Spirit of God (2) J. N. Darby. <03004F> {file section b.} 107 In the earlier passages in John, and the remarks which were made upon them, the Holy Ghost who is sent was spoken of as the power of life, the power of communion, the power of communication. In the latter part of John and other places the sending of the Spirit is specially spoken of, because the absence and going away of Christ were brought befor.. 2009. 8. 28.
Operations of the Spirit of God (1) J. N. Darby. <03004F> 73 {file section a.} I would desire to say a few words on the operations of the Spirit of God — the connection of His working in us with Christ; and the separateness too of the operation of the Spirit in us, from the work of Christ as wrought and perfected for us already. I do not assume, by any means, to give a full or adequate view of the operations of the Spirit .. 2009. 8. 28.
The Holy Spirit N. Anderson. There are nine references to the Holy Spirit in the gospel of John — from John 1 to John 7. It is not until we reach John 14 that we see clearly the distinct Personality of the Spirit. See the following Scriptures as to:- The truth of His Person. Gen. 1: 2; Isa. 48: 16; Matt. 28: 19; John 14: 16, 17, 26; John 15: 26; John 16: 7, 8, 13, 14, 15; Acts 5: 3, 9; Acts 13: 2; Acts 15: 28.. 2009. 8. 28.
Sonship Matt. 3: 1-17, Matt. 4: 1-11; Eph. 1: 1-14; Eph. 6: 10-13. Notes of Address by J. A. Trench at Galashiels (2/7/1916). It was a wonderful moment in the ways of God when John the Baptist, as the forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ, went out with his solemn testimony calling upon the people to repent. It was he of whom it was prophesied as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the .. 2009. 8. 27.
The Loveliness of Christ Psalm 16. Hamilton Smith. We need every Scripture for conviction, correction, and instruction; but the Scriptures that present "the things concerning Himself" must have a special charm for the Christian. It is this that makes Psalm 16 so attractive, for it sets forth the moral perfections of Christ, the perfect Man, as He trod the path of life through this world of sin and death. How good, then,.. 2009. 8. 27.
Sonship James McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 27, 1935, page 110 etc.) The goodness of God and the sovereignty of His favour to man has come out in Christianity as nowhere else. His gracious dealings with men in other dispensations call for earnest attention and prayerful consideration, but today He is seen in the full blessedness of all that He is in nature and character, having given exp.. 2009. 8. 27.
Sonship by Incarnation or the Incarnation of the Son A Letter J. McBroom To the Reader, The following letter was written to meet an attack lately made on Divine Persons by denying eternal relationships; a pamphlet by Mr. C. A. Coates is chiefly in view. To give evidence to the theory a new way of reading Scripture is brought in which outrages common sense and makes its inventors look foolish indeed. To the opened eye the foundations of our faith a.. 2009. 8. 27.
The All-sufficiency of Christ C. H. Mackintosh. When once the soul has been brought to feel the reality of its condition before God, the depth of its ruin, guilt, and misery, its utter and hopeless bankruptcy, there can be no rest until the Holy Spirit reveals a full and an all-sufficient Christ to the heart. The only possible answer to our total ruin is God's perfect remedy. This is a very simple, but a most important truth.. 2009. 8. 27.
The Deity and Humanity of Christ F. B. Hole. There is no greater question between the covers of the Book than that which the Lord Himself raised with the unbelieving men of His day — "What think ye of Christ?" (Matt. 22: 42). In these five short words He set before them the pivotal point upon which everything turns. The deepest foundations of the faith lie here, and any error or fault in this matter is sure to make its influe.. 2009. 8. 27.
The Declarations of God as to the Person of Christ F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 4, 1912, page 34-8.) On only two occasions has the voice of THE FATHER been actually heard by men. In Old Testament days, before the truth of the Trinity stood clearly revealed, we do frequently get God speaking face to face with men, as with Moses, for example. With the advent of Christ, however, everything is changed. At His baptism the Trinity .. 2009. 8. 27.
Christ: Sacrifice, Blesser, Centre, Builder, Leader, Judge, Administra~ Christ: Sacrifice, Blesser, Centre, Builder, Leader, Judge, Administrator. F. B. Hole. John 1: 29-51. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 20, 1928, page 66.) The first chapter of John's Gospel presents to us the Lord Jesus in the most exalted way. We are permitted to travel back in our minds to the most remote moment that we can possibly conceive of, the moment when there began to be the begin.. 2009. 8. 27.
God and Man in One Person L. M.Grant. In Ephesians 1: 15 to 23 there is a beautiful prayer addressed to "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ," a prayer which emphasizes the reality of the manhood of the Lord Jesus. In Ephesians 3: 14-21 is another prayer of Paul addressed to "the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," for in this the Lord Jesus is regarded from the viewpoint of His deity, as the blessed Son of the father. But in.. 2009. 8. 27.
The Witness of the Apocalypse to Christ W W Fereday Whatever date may be assigned to the Apocalypse and concerning this there has been much disputing). its only rightful place is at the end of the Book of God. Some one has happily described Genesis as "the book of origins," and the Revelation as "the book of issues." This is true. The beginnings of all God's ways with men are shown in Genesis, and the results for time and for eternity.. 2009. 8. 26.
Christ as the Morning Star and the Sun of Righteousness together with a sketch of the interval between the rapture and the appearing of Christ in glory. E. Dennett. CHAPTER 1. THE MORNING STAR. IN this paper we desire to consider, in some little detail, the scriptural instruction upon the Morning Star and the Sun of righteousness. All, we are quite sure, will admit that, inasmuch as the writers of scripture were led by the Holy Ghost to give to our .. 2009. 8. 26.
The Glories of Christ as the Son of Man E. Dennett. 1. THE TITLE OF SON OF MAN. EVERY intelligent and devout reader of Scripture must have discovered, to some extent, the vast range of truth which is unfolded and displayed in the various titles of our blessed Lord. Not one of them is without significance; they all indeed present some rays either of His essential or acquired glory. To study them, therefore, if guided and taught of the.. 2009. 8. 26.