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하나님은 왜 미리암에게만 벌을 주셨는가? [질문] “모세가 구스 여자를 취하였더니 그 구스 여자를 취하였으므로 미리암과 아론이 모세를 비방하니라 그들이 여호와께서 모세와만 말씀하셨느냐 우리와도 말씀하지 아니하셨느냐 하매 여호와께서 이 말을 들으셨더라. ... 여호아께서 그들을 향하여 진노하시고 떠나시매 구름이 장막 위에서 떠.. 2010. 7. 14.
수박보다는 포도가 되라. (고전 12:12-13) “몸은 하나인데 많은 지체가 있고 몸의 지체가 많으나 한 몸임과 같이 그리스도도 그러하니라. 우리가 유대인이나 헬라인이나 종이나 자유자나 다 한 성령으로 세례를 받아 한 몸이 되었고 또 다 한 성령을 마시게 하셨느니라.” (고전 12:12-13) 한국인들의 뇌리에는 “뭉치면 살고 헤어지면 죽는다.”.. 2010. 7. 13.
토끼구멍신자(Rabbit-hole Christian) “예수께서 그곳에 이르사 우러러보시고 이르시되 삭개오야 속히 내려오라 내가 오늘 네 집에 유하여야 하겠다 하시니 급히 내려와 즐거워하며 영접하거늘 뭇사람이 보고 수군거려 가로되 저가 죄인의 집에 유하러 들어갔도다 하더라.” (눅 19:5-7) 토끼는 매우 소심하고 겁이 많은 동물입니다. 매일 .. 2010. 7. 12.
사방으로 완전히 막혔는가? “요셉이 이끌려 애굽에 내려가매 바로의 신하 시위대장 애굽 사람 보디발이 그를 그리로 데려간 이스마엘 사람의 손에서 그를 사니라.” (창 39:1) 요셉은 아비의 편애를 받으며 고생 한 번 하지 않아 아직 철부지였던 17세에 노예로 팔려 갔습니다. 그 후 우여곡절 끝에 30세에 애굽의 총리가 되었으니 1.. 2010. 7. 9.
(창15:16) 사대(四代)가 왜 430년인가요? [질문] 하나님이 아브라함에게 "네 자손은 사 대(四代) 만에 이 땅으로 돌아오리니 이는 아모리 족속의 죄악이 아직 가득 차지 아니함이니라"(창15:16)고 말씀하셨습니다. 모세가 이스라엘 민족을 이끌고 출애굽하여 가나안 땅으로 다시 돌아오는 시점을 가리키는 것으로 이해합니다. 그런데 "4대 만에"라.. 2010. 7. 8.
요동치더라도 감사하라. “주의 성도들아 여호와를 찬송하며 그 거룩한 이름에 감사할찌어다. 그 노염은 잠간이요 그 은총은 평생이로다. 저녁에는 울음이 기숙할찌라도 아침에는 기쁨이 오리로다. 내가 형통할 때에 말하기를 영영히 요동치 아니하리라 하였도다. 여호와께서 주의 은혜로 내 산을 굳게 세우셨더니 주의 얼굴.. 2010. 7. 8.
신자는 아이들을 어떻게 키울 것인가? “예수는 그 지혜와 그 키가 자라가며 하나님과 사람에게 더 사랑스러워 가시더라.” (눅 2:52) 세상 사람은 자녀가 출생하면 남녀가 만나 교제하고 결혼하여 맺게 된 사랑의 열매라고만 봅니다. 당연히 그 아이는 오직 자기들만의 자식입니다. 신자에게도 아이들은 사랑의 열매이자 자기 자식인 것만은.. 2010. 7. 7.
Light in Our Dwellings or, The Christian's Family Relationships on Earth, as Reflecting His Heavenly Ones. being lectures on Ephesians 5: 21 — 6: 9 Julius Anton Von Poseck. "And there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days . . . . but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings" Exodus 10: 22-23. Preface. A brother in the Lord sometime ago remarked to me, how little, in writings and ora.. 2010. 7. 7.
To the Parents of My Grandchildren Meditations on Some Parents of the Bible for Christian Parents By a grandfather — G. C. Willis. Third Edition August 1996 Bible Light Publishers, P.O. Box 442, Fo Tan, New Territories, Hong Kong. ISBN 962-7458-14-8 Preface To Christian Parents, Beloved in the Lord: I think I may address you thus, as these pages are only meant for those who belong to Him, and that bond makes us all one family: .. 2010. 7. 7.
"Thou and thy house." C. H. Mackintosh. Preface. Nothing can be more truly beneficial for the soul than to be brought under the searching power of the word of God, — to have our treacherous hearts examined by its sure light, and all our ways fairly tested by its holy precepts. “The law of the Lord is perfect." It is God's means of effectually dealing with His people, and accomplishing in them the purposes of His .. 2010. 7. 7.
Households F. A. Hughes. MAR/APR 1976 Houses and households occupy a very large place in the Scriptures — they are mentioned well over 2,000 times. Thus they are evidently of great importance in the mind of God. The dwellings of men where, apart from divine intervention, darkness and moral distance from God exists, are portrayed. Blessed indeed to observe the results of God's movements in grace and mercy.. 2010. 7. 7.
Encouragement for Parents. F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 18, 1926, page 180.) To be a parent is no light thing in any case. To be a Christian parent is an even more serious and responsible thing, as is doubtless realized by those of our readers who stand in such a relationship. Here are, let us suppose, Christian parents with young children. As they gaze upon their loved little ones they realize that th.. 2010. 7. 7.
Propitiation - W. Kelly. W. Kelly. It may help souls in danger of being perplexed by words as unintelligent as they are confidently uttered, if it be clearly understood that the same Hebrew expression for "atonement" is used throughout Lev. 16, and that this finds its counterpart in the Greek verb which the Revisers correctly render "make propitiation" in Heb. 2: 17, and its derivative substantive "propitiation" in 1 Jo.. 2010. 7. 5.
Propitiation and Substitution. F. B. Hole. The Old Testament abounds with types of the sacrifice of Christ, but not until we come to the doctrines of the Gospel as set forth in the Epistle to the Romans do we meet with the first of the two words that stand at the head of this chapter. The words themselves express the two great aspects of His atoning death. First, let us recall that all sin is against God. It affects Him and n.. 2010. 7. 5.
Propitiation - F. B. Hole. F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth, 1915, Vol. 7, page 248.) In view of present-day tendencies the frequent restatement of fundamental truth of the simplest nature is never out of place. It is indeed against such fundamental truth that the most subtle attacks of the devil are directed, for if a destructive blow reaches the foundations the whole building of truth is shaken and weakened. .. 2010. 7. 5.
Propitiation: What is it, and where made? E. Dennett. Christian Friend vol. 15, 1888, p. 225. The truth of propitiation lies at the very foundation of our faith, and on this very account it is of the first importance that the teaching of the scripture respecting it should be correctly apprehended. The word is not used in the Old Testament, though the thing itself, as we shall hope to see, is clearly distinguished in the rites of the gre.. 2010. 7. 5.
Atonement:In Type, Prophecy, and Accomplishment. F. W. Grant. "A propitiation, through faith, by His blood, to show His righteousness." (Rom. 3: 25. R.V.) Loizeaux Brothers, 63 Fourth Avenue; Bible Truth Print, Fourth Avenue, New York. Chapter 1. The Need to be Met. The cross of Christ is the central fact in the history of man. To it all former ages pointed on; from it all future ones take shape and character. Eternity, no less than time, is r.. 2010. 4. 22.
Legality and Levity C. H. Mackintosh. Feeling, as we trust we do, in some little measure our responsibility to the souls of our readers, as well as to the truth of God, we desire to offer a brief but pointed word of warning against two opposite evils which we can plainly see working among Christians at the present moment. These are legality on the one hand, and levity on the other. As to the first of these evils, w.. 2010. 3. 22.
The Sabbath, the Law, and the Christian Ministry. C. H. Mackintosh. "I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say." A Scriptural Enquiry. In resuming our lectures, for the winter months, we feel called upon to offer a few words of explanation to all such as may be desirous of knowing something of the doctrines held by those persons who stand connected, in any measure, with this service. We feel that such persons have a claim upon us, to which w.. 2010. 3. 22.
Christ — the End of the Law. W. Kelly. (B.T. Vol. 8, p. 308.) Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. The two righteousnesses are then contrasted. Moses describes the one, saying, "The man that doeth these things shall live by them." The law was man's righteousness; it was God's perfect rule for a creature. It required man to give a righteousness to God; if he did, be lived by it. The rig.. 2010. 3. 22.
Law and Grace Ex. 34; 2 Cor. 3. W. Kelly. It is important to see that there were two distinct occasions in which we find tables of stone, according to God's command, committed, though in a different way, to man. On the first occasion, as we know, there was total ruin; and when God uttered His commands then, afterwards written down, there was no shining of the face whatever; there was no Moses transfigured by.. 2010. 3. 22.
"Dead to the law." F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 13, 1921, page 195.) Romans 7 is mainly a chapter of experience, yet, even so, the first six verses are occupied with what is doctrinal, with a statement of the bearing of Christ's death upon the believer in relation to the law. Verse 4 in particular sets that forth. Verse 1 reminds us that death sets a term to law's dominion, being, so to speak,.. 2010. 3. 22.
The Law, and the Gospel of the Glory of Christ J. N. Darby. <34031E> 416 We learn here what a Christian is, and how a man comes to be one. First, we notice what introduces the subject; and next, the circumstance to which the apostle alludes as bringing out the true character of Christianity. The apostle had been forced, by the attacks of those false Judaizing teachers, who said he was no apostle, to speak of himself, though he is grie.. 2010. 3. 22.
The Sabbath: or, Is the law dead, or am I? J. N. Darby. <10018E> 270 The rest of God seems to me a question of paramount importance. A part in it distinguishes the saint both from the wicked and from the unintelligent creation. Entrance into God's rest is perhaps the highest form in which we can conceive blessing; for the rest of God is not mere relief from labour, as it is with man, but peaceful complacency in what is perfect and.. 2010. 3. 22.
The Rule of Life: what is it? J. N. Darby. <10007E> 169 The rule of life — what is it? Of what life? of mere man, or of man partaker of the divine nature? Of man subjectively responsible to meet a claim, or of man displaying the divine character? Are they the same? Was the conduct binding on Adam the same as that which was suitable to the place Christ held in the world? Which is our standard, if they are different? .. 2010. 3. 22.
Divine Righteousness J. N. Darby. <10006E> 147 The progress of discussion on the question of divine righteousness, and a rapid review of what I have myself written, present the whole matter to me in so serious a light, that I have been led to resume my pen upon it. I do this the rather as I see that more are entangled in the pernicious error which I seek to oppose than I was at first aware of, and that the er.. 2010. 3. 22.
Further remarks upon Righteousness and Law: with answers to different objections. J. N. Darby. <10005E> 95 No person with christian feeling will expect that I should bandy abuse with Dr. Carson: it is not my intention. Nor do I complain of any attacks upon me. Of the statements of the "Record," or of Dr. Tregelles, I shall not take any notice whatever. Dr. Tregelles has profited by the present attacks against brethren to seek to bo.. 2010. 3. 22.
The Pauline Doctrine of the Righteousness of Faith J. N. Darby. <07014E> 349 {In reply to an article in the "British and Foreign Evangelical Review," copied into the "Christian Examiner," February 7th, 1862.} My dear brother, I have read the paper which you gave me, and which I understand is so much thought of by Christians of the Establishment. We are so apt, in getting hold of some truth, to pursue our own reasonings on it (reasonings in.. 2010. 3. 22.
A Letter on the Righteousness of God J. N. Darby. "Bible Treasury," 1862. <07013E> 302 My dear brother, The "Record" has pronounced a judgment; yet, as the pope's after all was not final with Luther, but raised a question which his authority was not calculated, as he had supposed, to settle, so I apprehend it will be now. For my part, I am thankful for the article. It has kept alive a question which I believe also to be impo.. 2010. 3. 22.
Eternal Punishment v Universalism an Annihilationism. John 3: 36. C. H. Mackintosh. I have been thinking a good deal of late, on the last verse of the third chapter of John. It seems to me to furnish a most powerful answer to two of the leading heresies of this our day, namely, Universalism on the one hand, and Annihilationism, on the other: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; .. 2010. 3. 11.