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Jonah W W Fereday. Jonah and His Book Jonah and His Experiences Jonah and Christ In the Fish's Belly Grace to the Fallen The Second Commission In the Great City Elohim and Jehovah A Strange Dove On the East Side of the City The Compassionate Creator A Type of Israel The Destruction of Nineveh Jonah and His Book. It has been remarked by others that the Book of Jonah is as singular amongst the books of .. 2010. 1. 18.
Elisha, the Prophet. W W Fereday. Elijah's Successor. There was no room for a prophet in the order of things established by Jehovah for Israel when normal conditions prevailed. At the close of the ministry of Moses, the high priest was the link between Jehovah and His people, and the civil leader was directed to walk under his guidance (Num. 27: 18-23); when the priesthood failed, the king became the link, and the h.. 2010. 1. 18.
Balaam: His Words and Ways W W Fereday. Contents: Thou Hast Seen It" Balak's Fears. The Invisible Powers of Evil To and From Mesopotamia The Madness of the Prophet The Great Question God's Sanctified People God's Justified People The Beauty and Order of God's People The Restraining Hand The Latter Days The Doctrine of Balaam The Government of God Thou Hast Seen It. Balaam and his evil doings are brought before us in eigh.. 2010. 1. 14.
The Patriarch Jacob Gen. 32: 2432; Gen. 35: 114. J. N. Darby. (Words in Season, Vol. 2, 1888, page 208.) Here Jacob was on his return from Padanaram. He was a saint of God, and valued the promises, but the means he used were reprehensible in every way. There was real faith in his heart; he was willing to yield (though it were only a mess of pottage) to get them; but there was no uprightness in him at all. It is .. 2010. 1. 14.
A few words on Elijah 1 Kings 17-20. J. N. Darby. <30001E> 1 These chapters set before us several important principles; and we see there pointed out several very different characters; we learn in them also the ways of God. Ahab and Jezebel appear on the scene; Elijah prophesies; Obadiah is seen and the seven thousand men of God mentioned in 1 Kings 19: 18. The character of Ahab is presented to us in 1 Kings 16.. 2010. 1. 14.
Ruth. J. G. Bellett. Section 10 of: Musings on Scripture, Volume 3 "If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold" (Lev. 25: 25). Redemption, as one has said, was no afterthought with our God; it was His purpose from the beginning. By the work of redemption He prepares the richest glory.. 2010. 1. 4.
The Queen of Sheba J. G. Bellett. Section 2 of: Musings on Scripture, Volume 3 "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here." — Luke 11: 31. This "elect lady" stands in a line of loved and honoured women, who, now and again, from th.. 2010. 1. 4.
Job James 5: 11. J. G. Bellett. Section 7 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. "Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face" May surely be said, upon the reading of this deeply affecting story. Said, too, with peculiar fitness and fulness of truth, as though the thought of t.. 2009. 12. 30.
Joseph Genesis 37 - 50. J. G. Bellett. Section 6 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. Joseph becomes principal in the narratives of the book of Genesis as soon as we reach Gen. 37, and so continues, I may say, to the end. So that I now propose to close with this paper on "Joseph," refer.. 2009. 12. 30.
Jacob Genesis 28 - 36. J. G. Bellett. Section 5 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. Have already followed the course of the Book of Genesis to the close of chapter 27. From that chapter to chapter 36, Jacob is principal; and it is that portion which I now purpose to consider. There is.. 2009. 12. 29.
Isaac Genesis 25 - 27. J. G. Bellett. Section 4 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. In the former papers, entitled ENOCH, NOAH, and ABRAHAM, I have followed the course of the Book of Genesis, down to the end of Gen. 24. I now propose to take it up from thence, and follow it on through.. 2009. 12. 29.
Abraham Genesis 12 - 25. J. G. Bellett. Section 3 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. In earlier parts of the book of Genesis, I have already traced two distinct histories — that of the antediluvian saints, or the times from Adam to Enoch; and that of Noah and of those who followed hi.. 2009. 12. 29.
Noah Genesis 6 - 11. J. G. Bellett. Section 2 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. How changed is the whole condition of things since the day of Genesis! Were I to read the opening of this fine scripture, and just expose my heart to the simpler earliest impression of what I get there,.. 2009. 12. 29.
Enoch J. G. Bellett. Section 1 of: The Patriarchs: Being Meditiations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. New Edition, Morrish, 1909. It is not so much of Enoch himself that I now purpose, in the Lord's grace, I would hope, to write a little, but rather of the times and the saints before the flood. Whether it be of them or of him, the materials, as w.. 2009. 12. 21.
Ruth. J. G. Bellett. Article 25 of 47 Short Meditations (Cavenagh, 1866.) The ways of grace and of faith, and the warrant on which they each act, get very beautiful illustrations in this little book. Faith has two special characteristics — and so has grace. Faith overcomes the world, and returns fully and intimately to God. Or, in language known in Scripture, it takes a place "outside the camp," an.. 2009. 12. 21.
Abraham in Genesis 18, 19. J. G. Bellett. Article 10 of 47 Short Meditations (Cavenagh, 1866.) The elevation of Abraham in Genesis 18, 19, is something very peculiar. He seems to apprehend the Divine Stranger and His angelic companions at once, needing no introduction, or notice, or revelation — as Joshua, Gideon, and others, in like circumstances, did. "He was accustomed to the Divine presence," as one has said. This o.. 2009. 12. 21.
Abram: The Friend of God W. Kelly. Genesis 12, 13. What we see in the word of God before this remarkable account of the call of Abram, though profitable surely for us, is also humbling; and none the less the more we think of it, and see what God has told us of man's sin and ruin, not merely as bringing on the flood, but as following it. What was to be done now? For God had hung out a sign in the very heavens that He wo.. 2009. 12. 21.
Joseph. Gen. 37 - 47. He "that was separated from his brethren." BT vol. 18 p. 17 etc. For judging the history of Joseph to be typical or allegorical, like that of Hagar and Ishmael and a thousand others in scripture, we have clear warrant of the Holy Ghost. See Acts 7. But without this warrant, the use which in the New Testament is made of the Old Testament narratives, might authorise us to look for s.. 2009. 12. 21.
The Day of Atonement Leviticus 16. James McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth, 1913, Vol. 5, page 281.) It is important to take account of the place this precious chapter has in the Book of Leviticus; whether we regard it historically in its bearing on the congregation of Israel, in covenant relationship with Jehovah, or in its typical character as shadowing forth the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ. God .. 2009. 12. 18.
Some Glories of Christ As typified in the Ark of the Covenant and its Contents (Exodus 25). James McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth, 1912, Vol. 4, page 246.) Our Lord Jesus Christ and His glories are of commanding interest to His saints, and the unceasing activities of the Holy Spirit are to keep Him before us, and, than Himself, nothing can be so precious to our souls that have learned His love through His at.. 2009. 12. 18.
Fine Twined Linen James McBroom. "And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen with cunning work." — Exodus 28: 6. Part 1. If the first four things mentioned in the above verse speak of the glories of the Son of God, Personal, Moral and Official, covering a very wide field; the fine linen into which these things were wrought, or dyed, speaks of the Man Christ.. 2009. 12. 18.
Scarlet. James McBroom. "And they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work " (Ex. 25: 6). Looking closely at those "five words," which contain something of the glories of our Lord, we are reminded of what is said in another place, viz., that the world itself could not contain the books which might be written on such a theme. A Saviour who, on the one .. 2009. 12. 18.
"Purple" "And they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen" (Ex. 28: 6). J McBroom Part 1 The person of our Lord Jesus Christ presents such an infinite variety of beauty and glory that we can never reach its end. And nowhere in the Old Testament is the plenitude of that beauty and glory more in evidence typically than in the complex character of these priestly robes. We.. 2009. 12. 18.
Blue. James McBroom. Introductory There is but one mind in heaven, and that is the acknowledgment of the worth of the Lamb that was slain. "Him hath God exalted"; to Him hath Jehovah said, "Sit on my right hand till I make thy foes thy footstool." The whole intelligence of heaven is occupied in discovering all the glories of the Person and work of the Son. Here then, is heavenly-mindedness; it can on.. 2009. 12. 7.
The High Priest's Garments of Glory and Beauty. W W Fereday. The people of Israel were possessed of a magnificent ritual, every detail of which was ordained by God Himself. This has led some to argue for ritualistic forms in Christianity. If God was pleased with such things in Judaism, surely He will be pleased with them in Christianity. So it is urged. But this is to lose sight of the typical character of the ancient ritual. "The example and.. 2009. 12. 7.
My Feasts An Exposition of the Feasts of the Lord. G. Davison. "Until you have made a study of the three sevens, you will never know where you are in the dispensational ways of God." Words to this effect are attributed to the late Dr. Wolston. The three sevens he referred to are (1) The feasts of Jehovah. Lev. 23 (2) The parables of the kingdom. Matt. 13 (3) The addresses to the churches. Rev. 2, 3. This.. 2009. 12. 3.
The Burnt-offering; the Meat-offering; the Peace-offering J. N. Darby. <34010E> 240 {Notes of Addresses, 1880.} The Burnt-offering - Leviticus 1 There is a very definite distinction between the first two sacrifices we have here, to which the third is an appendix, and the others. The burnt-offering and the meat-offering stand alone; dependent on these you get the peace-offering, and then those of another character, the sin and trespass offerings. .. 2009. 12. 1.
Freewill as to Inclination and Choice J. N. Darby. <41023E> 268 (Notes and Comments Vol. 1.) All men speak about freewill is nonsense - free and will do not go together - there is no will till a person is decided and determined. Man is perfectly free to will, as far as constraint by another goes; in truth, as far as man's faculties go, he cannot be otherwise, i.e., it is his own will where he has one - his body, his acts may b.. 2009. 12. 1.
Sovereignty and Responsibility. F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 40, 1959-61, page 4.) That God is sovereign and that man, though fallen, is a responsible creature, are two facts that stand out clearly in the Scriptures. It is when we study these two facts in their implications that we run into intellectual difficulties. It is easy to lay such stress on the one as almost completely to ignore the other. The two .. 2009. 12. 1.