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Future Punishment: Its Character and Duration. F. B. Hole. There is no point within the whole compass of Divine truth where human thoughts and opinions are of any value. But at no point is it more necessary to rigidly exclude them than from the solemn subject which is now to occupy us. Immediately the punishment of sin is in question we are all of us alert and inclined to make our voices heard. We are none of us disinterested spectators, but.. 2010. 3. 11.
Eternal Punishment. W W Fereday. HOW MAN WAS MADE. We have two things here: First, the formation of the body; then the impartation of life by the inbreathing of God. Man has, in consequence of this, a character of life within him that is not possessed by the lower creatures of God's hand. He holds a very special place in God's universe. Angels are spirits; beasts, etc., have soul and body; man is distinguished from.. 2010. 3. 11.
The First Martyr. Acts 6 and 7 Hamilton Smith. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 42, 1965-7, pages 118-21) In the touching story of Stephen, the first of a long line of martyrs, we see the complete exposure of the wickedness of Israel on the one hand, and the display of the blessedness of Christianity on the other hand. In the course of his address, Stephen recalls the history of Israel to show that the flesh,.. 2010. 3. 5.
Simon Peter. H. Rossier. Translated from the French. Christian Friend vol. 17, 1890, p. 1 etc. Simon Peter's history is deeply instructive, and portrays, in the main, that of every Christian, from the first step in acquaintance with Christ to the state — alas! so rarely attained or maintained — in which the Holy Ghost can without hindrance show forth His power. During this interval the full energy of gr.. 2010. 3. 5.
John the Baptist. H. Rossier. Christian Friend vol. 14, 1887, p. 15 etc. (This instructive little work is translated from the French.) Chapter 1. The Nation and the Remnants. Luke 1 - 3. The title of this little book might mislead the reader; its subject is not so much John the Baptist as Christ. All-important and interesting as his personality may be, John can only be like the background of a picture intended t.. 2010. 3. 5.
Saul of Tarsus C. H. Mackintosh. In contemplating the character of this most remarkable man, we may gather valuable principles of gospel truth. He seems to have been peculiarly fitted to show forth, in the first place, what the grace of God can do; and, in the second place, what the greatest amount of legal effort cannot do. If ever there was a man upon this earth whose history illustrates the truth that "salv.. 2010. 3. 5.
John the Baptist — only "a voice" Questions and how to meet them. C. H. Mackintosh. I have been very much interested of late in looking at the excellent way in which John the Baptist met the various questions which came before him; for, alas! there were questions in his day, as there are in ours. What I specially refer to now is presented to us in John 1 and John 3. The first question which this dear and honoured servant of Chri.. 2010. 3. 5.
Simon Peter — His life and its lessons. C. H. Mackintosh. Part 1 We propose, in dependence upon the Spirit's guidance, to write a few papers on the life and ministry of the blessed servant of Christ whose name stands at the head of this paper. We shall trace him through the Gospels, through the Acts, and through the Epistles, for he appears in all the three grand divisions of the New Testament. We shall meditate upon his call, upon h.. 2010. 3. 5.
Simon Peter — Apostle and Living Stone. W W Fereday. Foreword. Reading of a biographical character is always interesting, and it is frequently profitable. But the Spirit of God, when recording the life-stories of men, differs from all others in the line that He pursues. Human biographers aim at presenting the commendable side of the characters with which they deal, and they either draw a veil over their ugly features, or touch them li.. 2010. 2. 18.
Samuel the Prophet. 1 Samuel 1 - 7. Hamilton Smith. Extracted from Scripture Truth magazine, Volumes 21 & 22, 1929 & 1930. Historically the first book of Samuel is the continuation of the book of Judges. There we have the history of a people whose course was ever downward, in spite of occasional revivals. It closes with the solemn statement that, "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which .. 2010. 2. 18.
Mephibosheth. (Extracted from S. M. Anglin in "Christian Friend," 1897). The grace of God to the sinner has been beautifully illustrated by the "kindness of God" shown by David to Mephibosheth. But not all the types in the O.T. together can adequately set forth that grace. One would desire that we may value them as directing our minds to Him of whom they speak and the exceeding riches of God's grace. What is .. 2010. 2. 18.
Joseph Hamilton Smith. Contents 1. LOVED AND HATED Genesis 37: 1-11 2. REJECTED AND SOLD Genesis 37: 12-36 3. SUFFERING AND SUPPORTED Genesis 39, 40 4. EXALTATION AND GLORY Genesis 41 5. THE YEARS OF FAMINE Genesis 41: 53-57; 42 6. THE BRETHREN TESTED Genesis 43, 44 7. RECONCILIATION Genesis 45: 1 8. SERVICE Genesis 45: 9-24 9. GLORY AND BLESSING Genesis 45: 25 to 47: 31 10. THE VISION OF FAITH Genesis.. 2010. 2. 18.
Elisha: "The Man of God." Hamilton Smith. Contents INTRODUCTION 1. THE CALL OF ELISHA 1 Kings 19: 14-21 2. THE SERVANT'S TRAINING 2 Kings 2: 1-14 3. THE SONS OF THE PROPHETS 2 Kings 2: 15-18 4. THE MEN OF THE CITY 2 Kings 2: 19-22 5. THE MOCKERS OF BETHEL 2 Kings 2: 23-25 6. THE KINGS AND THEIR ARMIES 2 Kings 3 7. THE WIDOW'S OIL 2 Kings 4: 1-7 8. THE SHUNAMMITE 2 Kings 4: 8-37 9. THE TIME OF DEARTH 2 Kings 4: 38-41 10. .. 2010. 2. 18.
Abraham. by Hamilton Smith. Contents Foreword On the Other Side of the River The Call of God Faith and Unbelief Refusing and Choosing Victory and Defeat Sonship and Inheritance The Flesh and the Law The Almighty God and the Everlasting Covenant Blessings and Privileges Friendship With the World The Works of the Flesh The Birth of the Heir The Offering Up of Isaac The Death of Sarah The Call of Rebekah F.. 2010. 2. 4.
Abigail. 1 Samuel 25. Hamilton Smith. Edification Vol. 7, 1933, page 35. Interwoven in the story of David's chequered life, there are many fine characters, of whom, Jonathan, the three mighty men that drew water from the well, Mephibosheth, and Ittai, are bright examples. Among these friends of David, there is not one, perhaps, that wears a more beautiful character than Abigail, the Carmelitess. Very sig.. 2010. 2. 4.
Jacob Alone With God. Genesis 32: 24-32. C. H. Mackintosh. In tracing the history of Jacob, and in contemplating his natural character, we are again and again reminded of the grace expressed in those words, "Jacob have I loved." The question why God should love such a one, can only receive for an answer the boundless and sovereign grace of Him who sets His love upon objects possessing nothing of worth in themselves, .. 2010. 2. 4.
Jehoshaphat — Worldliness. C. H. Mackintosh. In tracing the inspired record of the houses of Israel and Judah, from the period of their separation, under Rehoboam, we can without difficulty recognize the marked distinction between them. The line of kings from Jeroboam to Hosea presents only a dark and sorrowful catalogue of evil-doers in the sight of the Lord: we look in vain for an exception. Even Jehu, who manifested s.. 2010. 2. 4.
The Life and Times of Elijah. C. H. Mackintosh. Introduction The exercise of prophetic ministry in Israel, of old, was always a proof of the nation's decline. So long as the great national institutions were maintained in their vigour, and the machinery of the Mosaic economy carried out according to its original design, there was no need of anything extraneous, and therefore the voice of a prophet was not heard; but when fai.. 2010. 2. 2.
The Life and Times of Josiah. 2 Chronicles 34 - 35. C. H. Mackintosh. Two thousand four hundred years have rolled away since king Josiah lived and reigned; but his history is pregnant with instruction, which can never lose its freshness or its power. The moment at which he ascended the throne of his fathers was one of peculiar gloom and heaviness. The tide of corruption, swollen by many a tributary stream, had risen to the .. 2010. 2. 2.
The Life and Times of David — the life of faith. C. H. Mackintosh. Introduction The steps which led to the setting up of a king in Israel are easily traced, and easily accounted for, by all who have studied with any attention the humbling history of the human heart, either as presented in themselves or in others. In the opening chapters of First Samuel we are furnished with a most instructive and solemn picture of Israe.. 2010. 2. 2.
The Call of God — Abraham and Lot. Genesis 12. C. H. Mackintosh. In a day of such widely extended profession as the present, it is specially important that Christians should be deeply impressed with the necessity of realising personally the call of God, without which there can be no permanence or steadiness in the Christian course. It is a comparatively easy thing to make a profession at a time when profession prevails; but it i.. 2010. 1. 25.
Job and His Friends. C. H. Mackintosh. The book of Job occupies a very peculiar place in the volume of God. It possesses character entirely its own, and teaches lessons which are not to be learnt in any other section of inspiration It is not by any means our purpose to enter upon a line of argument to prove the genuineness, or establish the fact of the Divine inspiration, of this precious book. We take these things .. 2010. 1. 25.
Gideon and his companions. Judges 6-8. C. H. Mackintosh. PART 1. In studying the history of the nation of Israel, we notice two distinct eras, namely, the era of unity, and the era of individuality — the period in the which the twelve tribes acted as one man, and the period in the which one man was called to act for the twelve tribes. We may take the Book of Joshua as illustrating the former; and the Book of Judges as .. 2010. 1. 22.
Joseph - W. Kelly W. Kelly. Preface The history of Joseph in detail, here brought before us, only carries us to Gen. 47: 12, where his father Jacob is presented to Pharaoh, for at this point the Author's closing days of his pilgrimage were rapidly being fulfilled. His pen was now laid aside, and he has since passed away to abide in the presence of a greater than Pharaoh or any earthly potentate — yea, of Him w.. 2010. 1. 20.
Jacob. - W. Kelly W. Kelly. CHAPTER 1. JACOB BORN AND YOUNG. Gen. 25: 30-34 If scripture speaks briefly of Isaac, it has much to say of Jacob, as it had not a little of Abraham. Yet the difference between the divine accounts of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is marked and instructive. The grandfather was pre-eminently a man of faith, in whom God's call was conspicuous, head of a chosen race, as Adam of mankind. Isaac.. 2010. 1. 20.
Isaac - W. Kelly W. Kelly. Introduction Having already sought to weigh the history of Abraham, I desire to consider what Scripture gives us to learn of Isaac. It is true that much less is said of him than of Abraham on the one hand or of Jacob on the other; even less than of Joseph among the many sons of Jacob. Yet there is not a little, in the spiritual account of him who came between the two chief fathers, di.. 2010. 1. 20.
Solomon and His Temple. W W Fereday. Contents Kingship in Israel David and Solomon Adonijah's Usurpation The Kings Dream Righteousness Wisdom Supremacy and Prosperity The Daughter of Pharaoh Provision for the House The Temple Bringing up the Ark Solomon's Great Public Prayer The Feast of Tabernacles Jehovah Speaks Again I made me Great Works The Queen of Sheba Horses, Gold, Wives Apes and Peacocks Closing days In Solo.. 2010. 1. 18.
Samuel — God's Emergency Man. W W Fereday. Preface A period of peculiar interest in the history of a people of peculiar interest is dealt with in the following pages. The nation of Israel has a place in the ways of God such as has been accorded to no other. Israel forms the centre of all God's plans for the government and blessing of the earth. This poor disordered and suffering world will never enjoy true righteousness and.. 2010. 1. 18.
Jonathan and His Times W W Fereday. There is a remarkable similarity between Jonathan in the Old Testament and Barnabas in the New. Both were gracious and affectionate; both were signally used of God in their day; but both manifested deplorable weakness in a moment of crisis. Barnabas broke with Paul, special vessel of the Spirit in his time; and Jonathan parted with David, Jehovah's choice for the throne of Israel. I.. 2010. 1. 18.