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Never too much NEVER TOO MUCH My heart trusts in him, and I am helped. (Psalm 28:7) I WAS NEW TO THAT SORT OF THING. I was aware my father had some kind of life insurance policy on me, but I had never had to concern myself with such matters. Now I was contemplating , and I knew I would have to provide for a wife and future family in the event of my death. How much life insurance should I have? Not sure where t.. 2007. 5. 28.
Plug in PLUG IN “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21) The room smells of roses. You look around. No vase. Not a single flower is in sight. Soon you secretly make the discovery. Plugged into a wall outlet nearby is a room deodorizer. The fragrance is driven by electrical power. Jesus, the rose of Sharon, brought the fragrance of heaven to a needy world. He made it possible for u.. 2007. 5. 26.
Good memories GOOD MEMORIES Bear with each other and forgive…as the Lord forgave. (Colossians 3:13) Good memories often surface when we open a photo album, play a video, or review the images stored on a computer's hard drive. The people or places pictured have probably directly or indirectly influenced our lives. Some look to the past and remember the good times, while others remember the painful. Rememberi.. 2007. 5. 24.
a strong finish A STRONG FINISH Show this same diligence to the very end. (Hebrews 6:11) No matter how rich the soil, how diligent the farmer, how good the seed—a farmer's toil is in vain if the land does not have the blessing of rain. But what if the land had everything it needed to produce a bountiful harvest and still didn't produce a crop? The land would become worthless, return to thorns and this.. 2007. 5. 18.
a closer walk A CLOSER WALK Their mind is on earthly things. (Philippians 3:19) Well, all my friends' parents are letting them go.” Mom interjects, “Well, if your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you do that, too?” How many times have we heard this kind of exchange between a parent and child? It is all too true that what becomes common practice seems to be OK. It is an easy leap from “well, every.. 2007. 5. 17.
A simple Rule of Thumb A SIMPLE RULE OF THUMB Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) At one time or another, we have eaten or not eaten something just out of common courtesy. Maybe our hostess prepared a special meal and, rather than hurt his or her feelings, we ate food that was not on our diet. In another scenario, we said no to a dessert we really wanted because our dining companion .. 2007. 5. 16.
Do as I do DO AS I DO Therefore I urge you to imitate me. (1 Corinthians 4:16) The film March of the Penguins documents the arduous journey over frozen tundra that emperor penguins take each winter to reproduce. The extreme conditions these animals will endure to ensure the survival of their species is extraordinary—just short of unbelievable. Both the egg and the newborn stay under the protectio.. 2007. 5. 15.
Great High Priset Great High Priest …we have a great high priest…Jesus the Son of God…who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. (Hebrews 4:14–16) Miss Cynthia is a great cook, and her three boys love to come home and enjoy a meal around her table. Miss Cynthia was raised on the coast of North Carolina in a little fishing village called Harkers Island. Fried s.. 2007. 5. 14.
Power source POWER SOURCE “Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) TO ENCOURAGE good behavior in the store, I promised my son a horse ride. He made it through with minimal correction, and we headed for the metal horse. Matthew hopped with excitement as he held my hand and I fished for fifty cents in my wallet. I put him up on the horse and inserted one quarter. He held on tight as I dropped the se.. 2007. 5. 10.
Come into the light COME INTO THE LIGHT “But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light.” (John 3:21) I DON'T LIKE the dark. As a near-sighted child, I looked around my room at night and imagined that every blurry shape and shadow was something terrible. Although my vision hasn't improved over time, I have learned to get into bed and close my eyes! My darkness phobia is mostly irrational, but there are som.. 2007. 5. 9.
The Truth, please! THE TRUTH, PLEASE! For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17) AS THE MOTHER of two young children, I am frustrated by the lack of clear direction for child rearing. I read one article and get one expert's opinion on potty training or discipline, and then I read a different opinion from another source. There are as many views on parenting as there .. 2007. 5. 8.
Confidence to enter CONFIDENCE TO ENTER Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. (Hebrews 10:22) THE DOOR OPENED. I stepped into a majestic, spacious room. The exposed beams curved above me, and the chandeliers glittered brilliantly. Multiple windows lined the walls with damask curtains. The tables were covered with heavy linen and set with real china, real silver, real crystal, and .. 2007. 5. 4.
Permanent Ink PERMANENT INK Written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God… (2 Corinthians 3:3) ABOVE WOODLAND PARK, COLORADO, on the evening of August 11, 1958, at a teen camp on the side of Pike's Peak in a log chapel, I asked God to forgive me. I knew I was a sinner. My soul wrestled with two sermons I'd heard: “The Devil Never a Payday Shirks” and “Your Salvation Can't Hang on a Peg in.. 2007. 4. 30.
Playing second fiddle PLAYING SECOND FIDDLE . . . Andrew, Simon Peter's brother . . . first findeth his own brother Simon . . . And he brought him to Jesus (John 1:41-42 KJV). Andrew is almost always referred to as Simon Peter's brother. Constantly living in the shadow of his better known brother, we could say he played "second string." Generally, we have little regard for "second string." I once saw an illustration .. 2007. 3. 11.
Sacrificial giving SACRIFICIAL GIVING Give and it shall be given unto you . . . (Luke 6:38 KJV). Many people have perverted the truth of this verse and made it a blank check for all of their selfish desires. Empty promises have been made regarding the prosperity of the saints, saying God's blessing is their right. One of the sad commentaries of this age is the fact that, for the past few years, people have spent t.. 2007. 1. 26.
Natural Joy Natural Joy “I have told you this so that . . . your joy may be complete.” —John 15:11 Joy isn’t something you have to fake. It flows naturally from your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s as natural as breathing. Knowing that your past is forgiven and that your future is sealed by the promises of God, your spirit willingly rejoices, even amid the worst of times. Let.. 2007. 1. 24.
Good Directions Good Directions I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. —Psalm 32:8 Contrary to the modern axiom, you can get there from here. The Christian journey may be curvy and even bumpy, but it has a certain destination. Out of the riches of His grace, God has chosen to be your travel guide through life. With His Son to protect you and His Spirit to guide you, you are certa.. 2007. 1. 23.
Service Please Service Please Be dressed, ready for service. —Luke 12:35 Jesus came to serve, not just to reign. He laid aside the scepter of royalty to take up the towel of service. Christian service is not only a way of showing your allegiance to the Servant Savior but also a valuable means of spiritual growth. Just as a river needs tributaries—outlets—to prevent stagnation, so .. 2007. 1. 22.
Taking Inventory Taking Inventory Each man has his own gift from God. —1 Corinthians 7:7 Did you know that you have a unique, God-given ability? It’s called a talent, or gift. No one is left out. Each person has something he or she has been empowered by the Holy Spirit to do. When the Holy Spirit came into your heart, He released and enhanced that ability for the purpose of building up His kingdom. W.. 2007. 1. 20.
You are an heir YOU ARE AN HEIR ‘Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth’ (Matt. 5:5 KJV). I was talking with my dad one day, and he said, "I want to leave my children more than was left to me." I said, "Dad, you shouldn't worry about leaving your children anything. You have already given us so much, we don't need anything more." A godly heritage from our earthly parents is a wonderful inheri.. 2006. 12. 19.
Look Up Look Up He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men. —Ecclesiastes 3:11 You have chosen to follow One who has prepared a great future for you. Christ has gone away from earth, but He is not idle. In heaven, His Father’s estate, Christ is preparing a home where you will live with Him for all eternity. Someday He’ll come back to take y.. 2006. 9. 25.
Amazing Grace Amazing Grace From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. —John 1:16 God’s grace is His help, healing, and holiness, which we could never buy or earn. It is everything that God has done for us through our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Every blessing, every benefit, every good thing comes from God’s amazing grace. It is by His grace that you ar.. 2006. 9. 23.
God is with us GOD IS WITH US The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength. (2 Timothy 4:17a) THIS PAST YEAR, MY YOUNGER BROTHER and I have been involved in some major home improvement projects. He is the expert and I am the novice. Through his tutelage, I have learned how to do many different and new things. Some I am comfortable with, but others present a challenge. When faced with extreme difficulty, I d.. 2006. 8. 7.
a Transformation A TRANSFORMATION . . . be transformed by the renewing of your mind . . . (Rom. 12:2 NIV). One of the nice things about being a grandparent is having a good reason to play with toys. I grew up in the good ’ol days of Lionel trains, Erector sets, wind-up cars and homemade rubber-band guns. It is almost overwhelming to see the toys children have today — battery-powered, remote controll.. 2006. 8. 1.
A gift for everyone A GIFT FOR EVERYONE We have different gifts, according to the grace given us (Rom. 12:6 NIV). The first church I pastored was a little frame building in a patch of woods at the end of a dirt road. We began with just a handful of common, hard-working folk. I'll never forget those precious people, and I'll always be indebted to them. What I lacked in experience, I tried to make up in enthusiasm &.. 2006. 7. 11.
An improved society? AN IMPROVED SOCIETY? The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17 NIV). The dreams and fantasies of science fiction writers decades ago have become scientific realities. There are people alive today who witnessed the first automobiles to scare horses along deeply rutted dirt roads. They might have seen the first adventurous mail plane pilo.. 2006. 7. 7.
Sow seeds of forgiveness SOW SEEDS OF FORGIVENESS Be kind . . . to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Eph. 4:32 NIV). World-famous engineer Peer Holm later came to failure and returned to the village of his childhood with his wife and little girl. His neighbor owned a fierce dog but was contemptuous of those who warned him that the dog was dangerous. One day, the dog killed Peer Holm'.. 2006. 7. 6.
Caesar or God? CAESAR OR GOD? "Live to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's?? (Matt. 22:21 NIV). Christians have dual citizenship ??on earth and in heaven. Both kingdoms have authority over us. The question is, which has final authority? In the nineteenth century some taught that man would eventually build his own heaven here on earth, a man-made utopia. But stark reality has crushed that dream. .. 2006. 7. 5.
Acting your age When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me (1 Corinthians 13:11). ACTING YOUR AGE “The only difference between a man and a boy is the price of his toys.” Most women I know smirk at that bumper-sticker truism. They usually stop when you mention “I Brake for Garage Sales” or “The One Who Dies with the Most Fabric Wins.” It’s not fun acting like a grownup. Both men and women .. 2006. 6. 22.
Chosen and "Mercied" But you are a chosen people… 1 Peter 2:9 Chosen and “Mercied” Once again, yesterday, a woman sat in my living room crying out: “I want to know who God has uniquely created me to be!” How often I hear this heart’s cry. We know in our heads that we are created in God’s image and created by God for a purpose. But this woman was 67 years of age and still couldn’t define her unique p.. 2006. 6. 16.