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What's the difference? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Just as Christ was raised from the dead . . . we too may live a new life (Rom. 6:4 NIV). Is becoming a Christian simply a matter of turning over a new leaf? Or is there really a difference in your life when you become a Christian? A young and committed Communist was debating a young and enthusiastic Christian in Hyde Park, London. The Communist boasted of his ideology wit.. 2005. 11. 28.
A diligent worker: A good witness A DILIGENT WORKER: A GOOD WITNESS The soul of the diligent shall be made fat (Prov. 13:4 KJV). A man once asked me to pray for him because he had lost his job. Since he was a member of my church, I also attempted to intercede for him. Then I found out a few things that put the situation in a different light. He often reported late to work. His excuse was that he needed to have family prayer in .. 2005. 11. 25.
Promises, Promises PROMISES, PROMISES Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do . . . (Deut. 23:23 NIV). What promises have you made and kept? What promises have you not kept? Someone has said, "A promise is the one thing that, after giving it, you had better keep." Just as God's promise-keeping is a reflection of His character, so our faithfulness or failure to keep our word reflects our character as well... 2005. 11. 24.
You cast a shadow YOU CAST A SHADOW The things you have heard me say . . . entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2 NIV) I once rode on a plane with two young men who had never flown before. They were excited and nervous — straining to see all they could. The boy seated next to the window exclaimed, "Look! There is our shadow!" Gliding along the landscape beneath u.. 2005. 11. 23.
Imitating jesus IMITATING JESUS Be imitators of God . . . (Eph. 5:1 NIV). Wherever young people gather — in malls, on practice fields, at football games — you will probably notice some individuals whose hairstyles, clothing or mannerisms mimic popular sports stars or television celebrities. Someone has said, "We paste bits and pieces of others on ourselves." Imitation has been called the si.. 2005. 11. 21.
Almost! ALMOST! 'Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian' (Acts 26:28 KJV). Several years ago, three of my friends were killed when the small plane in which they were traveling crashed into a house and burned. Two of the men were pastors. They had attended a conference and were planning to be in their pulpits on Sunday morning. In the darkness, the wing of the plane struck the top of a tree. If onl.. 2005. 11. 19.
Overcome evil with good OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Rom. 12:21 NIV). My backyard garden has been a source of pleasure and pride over the years. After the hard work of weeding, I enjoy telling my wife, "I don't believe there is a single weed left in that garden. It is absolutely clean." But I have discovered something. The best garden in the neighborhood is not neces.. 2005. 11. 18.
Don't be a hypocrite! DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE! ‘When you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do . . .’ (Matthew 6:2 NIV) We attended a high school play in which my son played a part. The young people were quite convincing in their portrayals of the characters in the play. In make-up and costumes, some of them appeared elderly, with gray hair. One carried a cane and walked with a l.. 2005. 11. 16.
How much is enough? HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? He that tilleth his land shall have plenty . . . (Proverbs 28:19 KJV) This prosperous man, whom Jesus called a fool, was thinking only of himself. Money had snared his soul. All he wanted was more. There is a legend of a miser who had a precious gold piece in a secret hiding place. Every day he took it out and held it in his hands. He did not invest it, spend it, or use it. .. 2005. 11. 8.
Don't be afraid! DON’T BE AFRAID! Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27). IF YOU REACH BACK into your childhood memories, I’m sure you can retrieve some moment in time when you were afraid. Maybe it was the dark, the potential of monsters under the bed or in the closet, or a thunderstorm. And .. 2005. 11. 2.
Respectful discipling RESPECTFUL DISCIPLING I have written you . . . to remind you . . .(Romans 15:15). WHEN SOMEONE SPEAKS DOWN to you it can seem so demeaning. You feel put down. The result is often severed communication lines. Who wants to listen to someone that makes you feel emotionally assaulted? The apostle Paul avoids that misstep. He did not ascend a lofty perch from which to guide the Roman believers. Rath.. 2005. 11. 1.
Our own decision OUR OWN DECISION ‘ . . . not my will, but thine, be done’ (Luke 22:42 KJV). Whether or not we accept God's will for our lives is our own personal decision. Like Jesus, we want to have spiritual support from friends, but the decision is ours alone. Parents sometimes are tempted to make decisions for their children. But the time comes when the children must take that responsibility for themse.. 2005. 10. 29.
He came to save sinners HE CAME TO SAVE SINNERS All the people saw this and began to mutter, ‘He has gone to be the guest of a "sinner' (Luke 19:7 NIV). When the Methodist circuit-riding preachers traveled across America in pioneer days, they met with derision and opposition in many places. Sometimes, no one would rent them a building or hall in which to hold their meetings. Frequently the preachers would target the.. 2005. 10. 28.
Learn to trust LEARN TO TRUST ‘ Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things’ (Matt. 6:32 NKJV). Dr. E. Stanley Jones tells about a poor man who had an overnight guest. As he showed his visitor to the humble bedroom in the hayloft, the poor man said, "If there is anything else you want, let us know, and we'll show you how to get along without it." Our children sometimes compared our living st.. 2005. 10. 27.
Commitment COMMITMENT ‘ Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?’ (Luke 2:49 NKJV). Wanting to talk, a young college student once came to my office. He slouched down in a chair, and with tears in his eyes said, "Wow! My whole life is falling apart." "What's wrong?" I asked. He said, "I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to become. Now I'm not sure anym.. 2005. 10. 25.
An ordinary human being AN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING ‘ Let us make man in our image, in our likeness . . .’ (Gen. 1:26 NIV). Muretus, a Christian scholar of the sixteenth century, became very ill while on a trip and was forced to seek the help of physicians. To the doctors — who did not know him — Muretus looked like a very ordinary citizen. They said, "Let's try an experiment on him, for he looks o.. 2005. 10. 24.
The value of one soul THE VALUE OF ONE SOUL ‘ What can a man give in exchange for his soul?’ (Matt. 16:26b NIV). Among the many fine people I have pastored over the years was a woman who had been saved in a revival meeting when she was a girl. In the entire ten-day meeting, she had been the only person who sought the Lord. At the close of the meeting, some of the people spoke critically, saying it hadn’t been .. 2005. 10. 21.
Generosity GENEROSITY Their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity (2 Cor. 8:2 NIV). It is a paradox that poor people are often more generous than the rich. When the war in Vietnam ended, refugees were transplanted to nations around the world. Thousands of them came to America. How two towns responded to requests to take in refugees was reported in two contrasting news repo.. 2005. 10. 19.
Let him change you LET HIM CHANGE YOU Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out . . . (Acts 3:19 NIV). A hopeless alcoholic attended a Billy Graham crusade in England. He was under the care of a psychiatrist but was getting no better. As he listened to the sermon, he wondered if there might be hope for his situation. He went forward , Christ saved him and a new power came into his life. He.. 2005. 10. 18.
Quiet Please Quiet Please My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. —Exodus 33:14 It’s a noisy age. From the background music in a restaurant to the booming sounds of the car stereo next to you at a traffic light, it’s difficult to escape noise. Occasional quiet is important to Christian growth. In the midst of his busy schedule, Jesus took His disciples to a quiet place for a li.. 2005. 10. 14.
Hold Steady Hold Steady See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy. —Colossians 2:8 This is the age of mass marketing. Every religion will seek your attention with slick promises and easy commitment. Hold steady. Christ is the only way to heaven. Focus your faith on Him, and beware of the promises made by other religions. Good questions to ask about other reli.. 2005. 10. 13.
Batteries Included Batteries Included I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. —Ezekiel 36:27 There’s no power shortage for the child of God. What was prophesied in the earliest pages of the Bible was fulfilled after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He sent His Holy Spirit to seal the promise of forgiveness, guide us in understan.. 2005. 10. 12.
ENTERTAINING GOD Entertaining God Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?—1 Corinthians 3:16 Entertaining God. What an awesome thought! You have opened your heart to the Creator and sustainer of life. His Spirit has established residence within you. Here are some ways to make Him feel at home. First, carry on a daily conversation with Him. Tell Him.. 2005. 10. 11.
ANTIQUES ANTIQUES But you remain the same, and your years will never end (Hebrews 1: 12). RECENTLY, I WAS WATCHING PBS’s “The Antiques Road Show” on television when I heard something interesting. Two pieces were being viewed by an auction house representative. The pieces were very similar—five-drawer style dressers; however, one of the dressers was in impeccable condition while the other.. 2005. 10. 10.
VINDICATION VINDICATION The Lord is known by His justice . . . (Psalm 9:16). SOMETIMES THE CONFLICT OF BATTLE seems to press in upon us until panic wants to set in. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians chapter 4, times when we are “hard pressed on every side . . . perplexed . . . persecuted . . . struck down . . .” These can be periods of confusion and fear; God can seem distant and uninterested. We feel alon.. 2005. 10. 8.
BUILDING ON GOD'S FOUNDATION BUILDING ON GOD’S FOUNDATION If any man builds on this foundation (Jesus) using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light (1 Corinthians 3:12–13). A MODERN PARABLE: A man who owned a construction company had to go out of town on business. He left his son in charge. “This is a very important house.. 2005. 10. 7.
THE WAY TO HEAVEN THE WAY TO HEAVEN 'Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven . . (Matt. 7:21 KJV). The old spiritual says, "Everybody talkin' 'bout heav'n ain't goin' there." It may be that deep in every man’s heart is the desire to go to heaven. But not everyone is going to get there. Dr. D. James Kennedy, pastor of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Laude.. 2005. 10. 2.
DO WE HATE SIN? DO WE HATE SIN? The mind of sinful man is death . . . hostile to God (Rom. 8:6-7 NIV). Turn-of-the-century evangelist Billy Sunday was known for his colorful illustrations. He said, "The reason sin flourishes is because we have treated it like a cream puff instead of treating it like a deadly rattlesnake." I think he's right. Sin is taken too lightly. We have analyzed it, defined it and redefin.. 2005. 9. 30.
EARN...SAVE...GIVE EARN . . . SAVE . . . GIVE . . . work . . . that he may have something to share with those in need (Eph. 4:28 NIV). John Wesley had a threefold bit of financial advice for his followers: "Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can." His advice is scriptural and practical. Christian workers should be the best workers on any job. They should be industrious, punctual, diligent and honest.. 2005. 9. 29.
HARVEST TIME IS COMING HARVEST TIME IS COMING Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Gal. 6:9 NIV). My wife and I enjoy having a small garden in our yard. One year, however, we got ambitious and planted a large garden in a friend’s field. At first, I tended the garden faithfully, pulling weeds and hoeing the corn and beans. But my summer was busy a.. 2005. 9. 28.